>be a pansy-ass stick in the mud on new year's eve

Dec 31, 2011 22:18

Who: Adachi and YOU?
What: Adachi tries to hide in the games room while everyone's drunk. Don't let him succeed at this, please. (his discomfort is my pleasure)
When: New Year's Eve
Where: the games room
Rating: will probably be some swearing if any awful co-op games get played. while drunk.
Notes: FEEL FREE TO THREADJACK I would love to get a full set of four people, drunk or not to play a game that can possibly drive Adachi to drink and get rude LMAO...

[Adachi had actually spent the whole day making some cards and cleaning his room for a change. New years was supposed to be about a new beginning and December was a month for cleaning back home anyway... even if he was usually too lazy to bother, something about this year changed his mood a little. a lot of stuff got thrown out the window though

Afterwards he was planning on spending the evening eating something good like soba and playing video games or watching tv in the games room.

...theeeeeeeeeeeen he opened his journal. And walked around a little.

Oh boy.

It doesn't take long to figure out what's going on. Drunk people are a pain to deal with and he doesn't like getting drunk himself unless he's really pissed off about something. That is all yet another thing about home he does not miss, the expectation to get drunk with your co-workers, boss, associates, whatever, and then deal with their drunkeness after. Ughhh.

So instead he's now using the games room to try and hide. You know that loser who plays games half intended for co-op play like New Super Asshole Plumber Brothers all by himself? Yeah, Adachi's that loser right now. And he's thirsty too! But he can't even trust tea right now.

Fuuuuuuck you castle.]

tohru adachi, flynn scifo

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