Thread: Chocolate making~ [Ulrich and Anzu]

Feb 19, 2007 21:16

Who: Ulrich and Anzu.
What: Making Valentine's Day chocolates.
When: Before Valentine's Day? XD *bricked* After this.
Where: In the kitchen.
Rating: G?

Anzu knew that she'd left things till pretty late. In fact, this was just about last minute by now. She'd been planning to get Valentine's Day chocolates taken care of at least a week before the day, but now it was just one day before Valentine's Day. With a couple of things going on lately, squeezing that in hadn't worked out exactly the way she'd had in mind.

Well, one day was still enough time to spend in the kitchen, making those chocolates. She had promised to help Ulrich make some, too, so she wasn't going to go back on her word. They'd just have to work fast and hope things went smoothly on the first try.

Anzu made her way downstairs and to the kitchen. It shouldn't be hard to find everything they needed, considering that the castle seemed to provide so many things so easily. After tying an apron around her waist, Anzu decided to take care of getting those things set up while she waited for Ulrich to arrive.

mazaki anzu

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