[thread] so not a date... nope

Feb 19, 2007 00:38

Who: Roxas and Naminé
What: Masquerade~
When: Sometime in the beginning.
Where: The ballroom.
Rating: PG. C'mon guys XD;

Roxas felt like a pigeon. Or maybe a butler. Fancy clothes... were not his style at all. He liked t-shirts and baggy pants. Sure, it wasn't a fancy tuxedo, but... nice pants, nice shirt, nice jacket? It was suffocating. Not to mention the mask. That thing made Roxas feel... really weird. But it was supposed to be fun, right?

He hoped so. Fixing his mask, Roxas knocked on Naminé's door. He felt a little nervous. The reason why seemed to elude him, so he figured it just had to do with his constant fear of the Organization.

However, those thoughts were not going to ruin his night. He and Naminé deserved to have some fun. Or so he liked to believe.

roxas, naminé

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