[Thread] Meroko and Othello

Feb 19, 2007 00:08

Who: Meroko and Othello, plus anyone else who wants to hop in :D
What: Meeting up at the masquerade~
When: Masquerade
Where: The ballroom
Rating: PG-13, to be safe. :3

Meroko was beginning to have doubts. Afterall, he might just have asked her to trick her. And her, being so innocent and trusting, had fallen for it. He might be off somewhere laughing at the thought of it right now!!

Or maybe he was some creepy person, like that person always talking about his bread father or whatever, and was overjoyed at having someone as young and lovely as her waiting for him. That might just be worse! Meroko mentally shuddered at the idea.

Then again maybe she was just over-reacting. Afterall this place was so weird, and she didn't know exactly what to make of it. Lots of people seemed to just go with the flow, and that's what she was trying to do, but there was always something nagging at her.

Instead of going directly inside the beautiful room, she had decided to wait outside the door. It was so gorgeous! Floating candles, and the decorations...she felt like a princess in her white gown and dainty mask. It wasn't that often when she could give into her true girly-girl nature and dress up like this.

Meroko peeked through the door to catch a glimpse of all the other people, dressed up, and found herself even more excited.
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