Thread: [D.Gray-man people and others, hopefully]

Feb 20, 2007 02:28

Who: Ravi and open to anyone else?
What: Setting out to find Miwako and Yachiru, hopefully. Also hopefully running into fellow D.Gray-man and other people? >>
When: Masquerade time. Probably early on.
Where: Around the place and the ballroom?
Rating: PG-13, just in case?

Ravi fixed his mask into place and left his room. He probably had Miwako and Yachiru to meet up with first, as promised, before they went to join any of the others - spotting and recognizing at least some of them shouldn't be that hard, even with masks and different clothes.

Speaking of which, Misa had pretty good taste in outfits.

On one hand, it did feel weird, spending time on something like this while the Earl and his minions were around. While Kanda was still recovering from his injuries, still not fully healed yet. But on the other hand, if there was a chance that the Earl was going to send out any more Akuma, it made sense to keep an eye on crowds of people, here and in the city. Akuma had to kill to evolve, after all. Plus, there was that Ansem guy.

And if this was some kind of trap, they'd have to find out sometime soon.

His hammer was where it always was, ready to be used if he ended up needing it.

No reason not to have any fun in the meantime, though. Ravi wasn't naive enough to expect or hope for the evening to go completely without a hitch in every way, but he wasn't the type to be pessimistic, either. Whatever happened happened and you had to deal with it when it came, right? So far, nothing had turned bad tonight. Maybe it was going to last.

sakurada miwako, kusajishi yachiru, ravi

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