Sep 12, 2007 15:58

Who: Valentine (maskemotion) and Kaylee (sunshinymech)
What: Valentine bumps into kid!Kaylee and stuff happens.
When: Afternoon, September 12th
Where: First Floor
Rating: G or PG?

He was wandering the first floor. It was nice that things had ended but... he couldn't shake the fact he missed Helena. Onwards and upwards, he told himself, but that wasn't exactly what he wanted to listen to at the moment. Instead, he chose to just walk, try to take his mind off of things by distracting himself.

In fact, he had started pacing up and down the main hallway, his white robe managing to billow out behind him from the speed he had managed to attain. It was a good distraction, for a while, but now it was starting to creep up into his head.

Just like last time, he hadn't the opportunity to say goodbye. Why was it that she always left without giving him that chance?

kaylee frye, valentine

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