[THREAD] You Say You're Telling The Truth

Sep 12, 2007 18:46

Who: Second Master (sinister_charm) and Lucy Saxon (faithful_lucy)
What: She says she's married to Saxon. He's going to see if it's true.
When: Afternoon, September 10th
Where: 311
Rating: Eh, PG-13 just in case.

She said she was married to him - or rather, to his Sixth. It was hard for him to believe. He was never the sort to marry; why would he ever change that? He even knew better than to fall in love. Love was something weaker species did.

His thoughts veered off wildly, somewhere else, ranting and raving and generally incoherent - he did his best to crush them, not was no time for madness or insanity. He needed to remain cool, calm, collected. The mental ranting remained, but for all purposes it was quieter. He could manage with it at that volume.

The Master lightly straightened out his velvet and slunk out the door. He made sure to be quick about it - he was certain that the Doctor, his Doctor, would grab him and drag him back to the room if he so much as caught him leaving. It was actually very insulting, and when he was back, completely, to his proper frame of mind, he would do something about it.

It was a brisk walk to Lucy's room. The nameplate did indeed say 'Lucy Saxon', and he knew well enough that his other self went by Harold Saxon... but still. There was a chance is was simply coincidence.

He lightly rapt on her door with a gloved hand.

second master, lucy saxon

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