[Log] Lana, Ienzo

Jul 20, 2007 00:55

Who: Lana Lang, Ienzo
What: First meeting
When: A little earlier
Where: Fifth floor hallway
Rating: PG

Lana hefted the tray in her arms awkwardly. There was only one dessert left on it but the tray itself was still a very awkward bit of bulk to be carrying. It obscured her vision of anything below her waste all the way down the hall. Curses for the ghosts being gone. She had to deliver all of her treats personally. Not that she didn't adore seeing her friends, they were just so scattered across the castle. She paused in front of the door of room 511. It had a new name on it. Shido? How STRANGE she had expected it to be blank. Since Vexen had left she didn't recall any new arrivals. Lana knit her brows. Someone else living in Ruby and Vexen's old room. It seemed so.... so WRONG somehow.
She sighed very softly and shook her head. Ruby would be very upset, she was almost certain of it. Mentioning it later may be a good idea. With that thought Lana continued on toward the elevator. As she did so she stuck her finger on the whipped cream on top of the lava cake and took a taste of it. Chocolate had never been Lana's thing but for some reason she'd saved herself a cake. Every now and again it sounded divine and tonight was just one of those nights. As she stuck her finger in her mouth she felt her foot come into contact with something soft but firm. Had Lana been thinking about something other than the whipped cream in her mouth at the time she may have had the reaction time to catch herself but as it was her mind had been on other things and she felt herself teetering over toward the ground. She squawked loudly as the tray flipped up, abandoned in favor of catching herself before she hit the floor. Lana's hands slammed into the floor and she swore not even really noticing her lava cake soaring past her field of vision, spurting whipped cream in every direction. She did, however, notice the splatting sound as it hit the wall across the hallway and stared at it for a moment before whipping around to see what the hell she'd tripped over in the middle of the fricking hallway. In her confusion Lana didn't even notice the whipped cream that was now decorating the end of her nose with a little white puff.

All the while, Ienzo had been resting on the cold, hard floor, his hands clutched around what appeared to be a very large and extensive book on history among other things. He had been utterly clueless about his surroundings, let alone the fact that he was being approached by Lana, who had clearly been preoccupied with her tray of food, as she had made contact with his sleeping form unexpectedly.

As Lana flung backwards, there was a startled scream, along with a slur of mutterings involving Xehanort and the other apprentices, as Ienzo sprung upwards, his book flying forwards a bit, and his eyes wide in shock. For a moment, he sat still, though this was brief, and he soon found himself scuttling to his feet, though not before grabbing his book. He looked around with a puzzled expression, unsure of his surroundings, all before he gazed downwards towards Lana, his head tilting to the side.

"…Excuse me, miss," he said with a sigh, "but…could you explain why, exactly, I've been sleeping on the floor? It seems rather strange, to say the least…"

Lana squealed softly in surprise at the mystery object's scream but was cut off by a flying book whacking her firmly in the leg. Lana shuffled herself backward hastily to get farther from the screaming thing before she even allowed herself to register what it was. By the time she had managed to gather her bearings enough to look at what was obviously a person before her he had gotten to his feet.
Breathing a little hard her eyes drifted up to the young man's face...or half of the young man's face, rather, as his silvery hair was covering the other half. Lana's eyes widened considerably as they rested on that familiar face. She knew that person. She knew the person she'd just tripped over. Zexion.

"…Excuse me, miss, but…could you explain why, exactly, I've been sleeping on the floor? It seems rather strange, to say the least…"

Lana didn't answer Zexion's question. She just stared at him for another few moments before she breathed his name. "Zexion?"
It was all she could manage for a moment as she remained frozen on the floor in front of him. It took several more moments but she finally sputtered to life. "ZEXION!" she exclaimed. "You...but I mean you were GONE. Ruby...and I checked, myself.... maybe you just....." Lana made a face of frustration and trailed off. She wasn't making a bit of sense and she figured it would probably be best to just shut up until she could get her wits about her a little more solidly.

The name Zexion was the first thing to come out of this woman's mouth. At first, Ienzo just raised a brow to this, but soon after realized that she was directing this towards him. To say the least, the boy was confused, especially considering the way Lana had spoken to him as if she already knew him.

"…Zexion?" he mused, stroking his chin with one hand, as the other continued to grasp onto his book. "…I'm afraid I don't understand. First of all, how could I have been 'GONE', if I was never here to begin with? Secondly…who is this Ruby, and why are you referring to me by a name I've never even heard in my life. I'm sorry if I sound rash, but you're not making the least bit of sense…"

Judging by her expression and startled tone of voice, Ienzo could tell that this woman knew something that he did not. To that extent, he was curious, though it was probably best to wait and see what she had to say; if anything, it would at least prove interesting enough…

Lana tilted her head at the way he was speaking. He hadn't recognized her in the end... but had the castle reset his experience yet again? Certainly he had to remember her this time...or Ruby... The little dragon had, after all, threatened his life and called him a twat on more occasions than Lana could even recall.
His proclamation that she wasn't making any sense snapped her out of her confusion slightly...at least enough to allow her to scramble to her feet. She sighed and waved her hand in his direction in a way that dismissed what she'd previously said. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. I rarely make sense, I swear," she said off-handedly before shaking her head at him. Clearly still confused. "Zex you have been here for--" Lana cut herself off. Zexion appeared slightly shorter than he had the last time she saw him. That was strange...she could have sworn... no... no she definitely know what his height was. She, embarrassingly enough, knew every inch of Zexion.... Her eyes drifted across his clothing. He wasn't wearing his uniform either. But...it looked exactly like him.. Did Zexion have a brother...other... Zexion had an other. She had been in the middle of saying his name again when the thought struck her so the word came out in a strange sort of drawn out, morphed way that sounded very much like "Zexiiiii...enzo...."
At the sound of the name on her lips Lana froze again, her breath freezing in her chest as if it would coax an answer to her unspoken question out of the young man to just not move.

Still, none of this made sense, the way this girl acted as if she knew him like a friend. It just made no sense, as, for one, Ienzo had never really known many females, given the fact that he was often spending time with the other apprentices, and he had never really been amazing at socializing.

However, she seemed to have had second thoughts, as she cut herself off mid-sentence, muttering what sounded almost like his name…but how? He hadn't met her before, and she, certainly hadn't met him, as far as he knew. Something was certainly wrong with this picture…and Ienzo was going to get to the bottom of this regardless.

"…Yes…my name is Ienzo," he said, remaining still, as he gazed at Lana in slight bafflement. "…But…how exactly do you know? I mean, true, as an apprentice to Ansem the Wise, I'm bound to be well known to a certain extent, but still…you're speaking to me in such a friendly manner that it's almost unnerving."

Lana backed up several steps, almost tripping over the fallen tray. She took in breath and her eyes got, if possible, even wider. "Oh my god," she breathed softly, her hand approaching her mouth in her shock. There was no way, was there? It really couldn't be Ienzo could it?

She shook her head a couple of times as if she didn't believe it for a moment but upon examining him again, his height, his clothing, the way his facial features were just slightly softer due to a couple subtracted years....

Lana closed her eyes for a moment. Get a grip, woman. He's new. If he's Ienzo then he's new. He needs you to be calm. He's probably so freaked out. Just...calm down.
Lana took a couple of calming breaths before opening her eyes again and looking up at him, for even with him being an inch or two shorter, Lana was still shorter yet.
"I don't see why I would be unfriendly, you've done nothing to offend me." Just your Other.

Confused as he was, Ienzo managed to nod, taking a deep breath before saying, "You raise a good point. I suppose I'm just not used to such kindness from someone I've just met. However, I can't say that I'm not confused, irregardless of this…especially considering that this place doesn't seem like Master Ansem's castle, nor even Radiant Garden to begin with…"

Taking another quick look around, he added, "Perhaps you would be willing to explain…? Not that I mean to sound irritating nor persistent, but you seem to know enough about this place, or, at least, clearly more than myself." He gave a slight smirk and added, "And, by the way, you appear to have some whipping cream on your face."

Lana watched him as he spoke, trying to process in her mind exactly how to explain this place to him. She'd never done it in person and...well it seemed like it would be considerably harder to see someone's face when she told them their life as they knew it was over.

Her thoughts were completely cut off, however as he pointed out that she had whipped cream on her face. Lana looked a little startled then went cross eyed. Sure enough there on the end of her nose was a little blob of whipped cream. She uncrossed her eyes and let out a small, embarrassed giggle before wiping it away. It seemed to break the tension...at least on her end... a little embarrassment was good. She supposed she should savor it. She would soon be so hard to affect, when her loss was taken from her completely again.

She glanced at the door next to him. Sure enough it said his name on it. She gestured to the door, "Presumptuous as it may be to invite myself into your room within five minutes of meeting you...Maybe ...maybe we should go inside and I'll explain. You will probably want to be sitting down."

Ienzo suppressed a slight snigger as Lana wiped the whipped cream from her face before looking towards the door behind him. To his surprise, it had a plate on it which just so happened to have his name on it. From what he had already seen, this place seemed to have been built as if he were supposed to be here, given the fact that this woman knew his name, and the door even had it as well.

At Lana's statement, he nodded, trying not to bother questioning just what was going on. "That is probably a wise decision," he said, stepping towards the door. "Besides, it would probably be best to discuss such matters in private, as opposed to in the middle of a vast hallway, where others would likely be able to overhear…" Reaching for the doorknob, he then mused, "Though, I fail to see the relevance of sitting, I suppose I might as well…"

Lana smiled softly at his comment about others being able to overhear what was said between the two of them. It was kind of cute, how he acted, not knowing what was going on. As if people overhearing a talk about what the castle was would matter.

She just gestured toward the door in an 'after you' sort of motion. She wouldn't start until they were inside and seated. She followed him into his room and didn't even look around, really. For some reason she didn't feel it was right for her to see his room ....not before but even at the same time as him. She just pulled up the nearest chair and sat back, looking at him. "Just let me know when you're ready...it's going to be...hard to believe, okay?"

Ienzo didn't bother looking around at his room, as he was far too eager to overhear any important information about this strange place. Being a curious sort, these sort of things often proved entertaining to him, thus he jumped at the chance to gather anything relevant to the situation.

As Lana made her way to a chair, Ienzo sat himself down as well, looking at her with a rather placid expression. At this point, hard to believe seemed irrelevant, as this whole situation seemed quite perplexing. After all, the last thing he had remembered prior to awakening within the strange castle was…something to do with studies, though what that was seemed to escape his mind. Irregardless, he shrugged that off and prepared to listen to what she had to say.

"I believe I'm ready," he said with a nod. "After all, I see no point in stalling, when the same information will be delivered regardless. Besides, I'm sure it will prove quite interesting, if not amusing."

Lana took a deep breath then glanced at Ienzo. Amusing? She wanted to laugh bitterly but couldn't even summon the energy to do it.
"Alright...Ienzo I'm going to tell you about the castle first...then I'll tell you why I knew your name but.... I'm going to give it to you in a flood and then you can ask questions later okay?."

She fidgeted for another moment, looking at her hands before she looked back up at Ienzo. "My name is Lana and I've been here since February. Here is known as Cair Paradisa...in the world of ...well..Paradisa. To make a confusing story short you've been kidnapped... more or less, just like everyone else who resides in this castle, including myself. We don't know how and we don't know why or who but we're all brought here from our respective worlds against our will. Upon being brought here something will have been taken from you, something important that will effect you greatly, even if you don't know what it is yet. It can be something as solid as a possession or as abstract as.... as your innocence or your creativity. We also don't know how this is done. "

She looked around the room, scanning for the journal and hopped up to get it before continuing. She plopped it down in his lap and returned to her seat. "This journal is a communication device between all of the hundreds of residents in this castle. There are people here with...unbelievable powers and..from hundreds of different worlds. Most importantly.. most importantly we cannot leave. Despite the efforts of many there is no way to escape this place. Usually there are servants...they look like ghosts but they'll bring you anything you'd like and usually you can just wish for something and the castle will give it to you. Things are a bit out of sorts right now even compared to usual but they seem to be working themselves out...."
Lana trailed off and glanced up at Ienzo. He really did look SO like Zexion. It was so disconcerting but she pushed the thoughts out of her mind. Later.

Ienzo nodded thoughtfully, as he took the journal and examined it carefully, skimming through pages of entries quickly. From what he saw, Lana had been correct, as he could see various volumes of writing from many others, or so he assumed, and yet…it all could fit into a single journal. He was half tempted to study this strange book, though, for now, looked back at Lana.

"That is quite interesting," he muttered. "So, there are various others from the many different worlds… and here I thought I would never see anything beyond Radiant Garden. It's funny, really. But…you were saying that something is taken away upon arrival, yet I feel no different at all. Then again, perhaps it was subtle enough to be dismissed."

Handling the journal a bit, he then added, "Anyway, do continue, as I'm eager to hear the rest of your little explanation."

Lana smiled a little at him. Of course he was reacting calmly. How could anyone that Zexion had once been react any other way. Interested, a little confused but inquisitive and interested. She resisted the urge to laugh softly and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. there was whipped cream in it. She made a face but chose to ignore it. It wasn't as if there was anything further that she could do about it at the moment.

Lana folded her hands in her lap, 'As for how I know who you are...aside from the fact that your name is on your door. I used to... well I know some people who know you. I was good friends with...I mean to say that I used to know someone named Zexion who was.... well he looked a good deal like you for various reasons but I really shouldn't be the one to explain it to you. I just don't understand it fully enough. You can contact Even or Xehanort through the journal. I think you should know them and they'd be happy to explain all of that to you."

She stopped and tilted her head to look at him then smiled again just a little, "Though, you may be surprised.. hell, I'm surprised but... It's kind of nice to see you."

"So Xehanort and Even are here as well?" he asked, rubbing his chin in thought. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, seeing as you did explain how those from various worlds tend to appear here. Still… it's quite interesting the way you mentioned this 'Zexion'…"

He paused briefly, opening up the journal and writing something down; if he were to communicate over these journals, the least he could do was put a simple message in there, for now; he would be more specific later on. Remaining silent while he wrote, Ienzo listened to Lana's last statement about being glad to see him and shrugged.

"It's nice to see me…?" he said, putting the journal down. "Well, I suppose now isn't the time to get too specific, as I'm sure I'll get answers eventually..."

Lana tapped her fingers on her legs, "Yeah.... I'm really sorry I can't really be more clear on that whole Zexion thing but I think that will have to wait for later. Ask Even about the "Nobodies" and I think you will get a decent answer. When you get that whole bit worked through ask me about it again and I'll be able to give you some more answers."
Lana resisted the urge to look around again. No. She wouldn't take in any more of the room than she had to until she was invited there...if she even was... this was an awkward enough meeting she really should let him get used to everything...
"Well...I suppose I should probably go and let you... ponder all of this. My room is 1515 just let me know if you need anyth--- OH!" she jumped a little at her own exclamation. "Food is on the first floor," She blurted then paused and looked down, picking a little piece of chocolate cake out of her hair and looked at it then glanced back up at him, "And apparently in my hair as well." She flicked the cake in his general direction then winked at him. May as well give him something cheerful to start out his stay with. If there was one new person that meant there would be what seemed like millions of them pouring in from all over the place. The journal was going to be a mess of concern and emo for a bit.

Giving a slight smile, Ienzo then replied, "That was an interesting change of subject, but I do appreciate it. Actually, all of this is certainly more than I would have expected, so, to that extent, you have my thanks. Though, this nobody business seems a bit strange, but I will be sure to mention it to Even, as he would likely know…"

Picking up the slice of cake, he said, "Anyway, thank you for your time, Lana. If I need anything, then I will be sure to keep your room number in mind, or perhaps contact you over these journals, since they seem to be the most convenient method of communication… Either way, I suppose I'll see you again at some point."

Lana gave him a genuine smirk of amusement as he picked up the bit of cake she'd flicked at him and stood from her chair, eyes flashing with interest at the whole situation but saying nothing of her intrigue out loud.
She raised a brow at Ienzo. "I can't say I can think of anything more important than knowing where the food comes from other than perhaps where the bathroom is...but each room has one of those so I didn't figure you needed any direction to it."

She turned toward the door and walked to it, opening it then looking over her shoulder, "My guess, and I'm fairly confident in this guess, is that you'd also like to know that the extremely extensive library is on the first floor. As for my help?"
She slid out the door so just her face peeked through, "Anything for a friend," she said with a wink and then was gone, chuckling internally. The meeting had been...she didn't even want to say awkward because it had been surprisingly NOT awkward....but abrupt. It had been very abrupt... She would have expected meeting Ienzo's other to have been different... but it wasn't so bad.

ienzo, lana lang

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