Speed Racer \\ Speed, Ruby

Jul 20, 2007 14:38

Who: Speed and Ruby
What: Hanging out in the yesIknowitsdesertedthatsthepoint! town; motorcycle racing... sorta.
When: Like, now. (or yesterday afternoon, either works)
Where: The town
Rating: PG-13, just in case of foul language

Speed walked out of the castle with his helmet in hand and a jaunty tune in his head. He hummed it quietly to himself. In a matter of moments he was mounting his sports motorcycle--newly fixed by Paradisa, at least before all the "break-down" stuff began--and revving the engine. It purred like a content tiger and Speed couldn't suppress the smile beneath his helmet.

A little later and Speedle was down the road and heading towards the town. He had heard of its eerie quality--of all the missing towns folks. He didn't mind. In fact, he was counting on it.

Yea, it was creepy. He'd only been down a few times, but this place was supposed to be full of people and bustling with activity. It was oddly quiet and eerily still in the afternoon sunlight.

At least the weather was back to normal though.

Getting over his initial uneasiness, Speed eventually had the streets memorized as he cursed comfortably around them. After that it was a matter of choosing a preferred course. He was smart--he was a CSI--and soon a plan formed in his mind. He cruised the path once slowly, forward and backward.

Then he gunned it, racing down the city streets like he was a professional racer driving on a sanctioned track. He the speed was exhilarating; he was already having a blast by the time he was half-way through his appointed track.

tim speedle, ruby

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