[THREAD] to prove that i'm loosing my confidence

Jul 19, 2007 12:43

Who: Vincent (and_it_aches) & Dark (scarred_dark)
What: Dark is crazy, Vincent comes to the rescue.
When: Right after Dark's re-entry.
Where: Dark's room, probably moving around to other places?
Rating: Let's go with... PG-13. Will be raised if Dark gets too crazy.

He thought it had been such a good idea at the time.

Dark had sought to hide the bad thing in the single safest spot he knew, and then he could do it. But he'd spent so much time amongst the people he loved that he'd forgotten how painful the morgue was. How much he hated it. How much it hated him.

A small, tiny part of his mind was telling him, "It's alright, you're back, you'll be safe soon... They'll come and save you just like they said they would." The rest of his mind was still in the Morgue Zone, and couldn't grip onto the reality that he was gone. All he could do is sit like a broken doll in the corner with his back to the walls.

The ghosts had fixed the mirrors while he was gone and he could see himself, and he hated it. He kept scratching long lines in his face with his fingernails, wanting to not be recognizable, wanting to never see his face again. He wanted to disappear, be a ghost. Maybe then the Girls would stop screaming at him, if he was dead.

vincent valentine, dark

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