[THREAD] to prove that i'm loosing my confidence

Jul 19, 2007 12:43

Who: Vincent (and_it_aches) & Dark (scarred_dark)
What: Dark is crazy, Vincent comes to the rescue.
When: Right after Dark's re-entry.
Where: Dark's room, probably moving around to other places?
Rating: Let's go with... PG-13. Will be raised if Dark gets too crazy.

as the blood runs red down the needle and thread )

vincent valentine, dark

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Comments 23

and_it_aches July 19 2007, 20:00:32 UTC
Vincent was quick on his feet, and did not reside on the thought of exactly why. This was not the time for his own self brooding, the loss of his memories (once more), the strange feelings coursing through him. His new mantle flew about him with his speed--obtaining it, he could not remember, but assumed it had been Lucrecia's doing.

Dark needed him now--if not him, some one just as able. A lack of sanity, he knew how to deal with. The blood, he would clean.

He entered the room without knocking, slowing from his run though keeping with a quick walk as he pulled his mantle from his shoulders and immediately threw it over the large mirror in the boy's room. He was surprised it had not been broken as of yet. He then turned his attention to Dark, crouching by the boy's side and merely looking at him for a moment, hoping his crimson eyes would not make the boy's fright any worse.



scarred_dark July 19 2007, 20:19:01 UTC
Dark continued staring straight ahead when he entered. He couldn't hear anything. It was too loud. All the voices and stories and letters from all around were swirling about in such an awful din that he couldn't tell where one ended and one began. He just let everything wash over him, bury him, drown him. Hearing his name through it all suddenly silenced everything else. That one syllable had been so loud and unexpected that he covered his ears with his hands and scrambled farther away, terrified. He still refused to look at who had entered. It was no one. He had to ignore the ghosts or else they'd kill him ( ... )


and_it_aches July 19 2007, 20:23:20 UTC
The sight of Dark moving away twisted his innards, but he remained still, allowing the episode to pass. He nodded to the questionable tilt to his name, remaining crouched but slowly moving forward, almost with animalistic quality. "Yes, Dark," he murmured softly.

"Do you remember where you are?" Vincent then questioned, looking to Dark with a sort of eerie calmness. The blood droplets hit the floor, and he glanced to them, but returned eye contact with Dark. Their similar eyes were like a link. This world, and no other.


scarred_dark July 19 2007, 20:30:39 UTC
Dark had the urge to move away. Don't let them touch you, or they'll kill you. That didn't need to be one of the rules, because it was something he knew already. But he stayed where he was. He had to remember, he told himself over and over, this wasn't a ghost. This was Vincent. Vincent was Dark's friend. Dark had to remember.

Dark scratched at his arm somewhat nervously and shook his head. He didn't know. "Dark... It's just noise." That's all he could figure out. It felt like they were in a cave. His breathing quickened as it felt as though the walls were going to fall in on them. Dark put a hand on the wall next to him as some sort of support, leaving a smear of blood in it's path.


and_it_aches July 19 2007, 20:40:55 UTC
Vincent could feel Dark's panic, and felt that this room was part of the problem. He was not quite sure how, or what exactly was in the room, but felt, in the back reaches of his mind, something... Well, dark. Looming. He stood to his full height, abruptly taking his cloak from the mirror and taking a hold of Dark's arm, wrapping the cloak around him before lifting him up. He turned a deaf ear to any protests, maneuvering Dark to give him a piggy-back ride, careful not to let the talons of his prosthetic claw tear into any flesh.

He moved quickly out of the room, closing it behind him with his foot before he was padding down the hallway, intent on taking Dark to his own room.


scarred_dark July 19 2007, 20:53:15 UTC
Dark did protest some. A bit of wriggling around at first, surprised at being suddenly surrounded by fabric and being moved around. He couldn't really form any words, just noises of surprise now and then. Eventually, though, Dark settled down, a little. The coat around him was a pretty color. It reminded him of things, although he wasn't sure what. And Vincent's back was warm. It was easier to remember that he was a person now, not a ghost.

He stayed quiet most of the way there, the only real movement he made was when he pulled at the cloak to cover up his head so it would be dark again. The light outside in the hallway was too bright. They felt like little spotlights, all looking for him, and it felt better to hide.


and_it_aches July 19 2007, 21:02:37 UTC
Vincent remained silent, focusing on the breathing pattern of Dark, the puffs against his skin. At least he was not on the verge of hyperventilating. The walk back to Vincent's room was uneventful, thankfully, and he opened the door with his prosthetic claw. He left marks on the knob, but that did not concern him now. He pulled it closed, but did not release Dark until they were in the bathroom. Vincent set Dark on the lid of the toilet, allowing him to keep the cloak as he shut the bathroom door, locking it from the inside.

Remaining silent, he started up water in the tub, plugging the drain so it collected for a bath. He then removed the mantle from ontop of Dark's head, pointing to the pooling water. "In."


scarred_dark July 19 2007, 21:18:10 UTC
Dark stared at the water for a moment. That seemed like a very bad idea. He felt very exposed, now, like the only black thing in a white room. He wanted the cloak back. It had been warm and safe. He didn't want to get in the water. Bad things happened in water. He knew that too.

He made an almost pathetic whining sound in the back of his throat and pulled his feet up towards him, away from the floor. He shook his head stubbornly, obviously not wanting to get in like Vincent had asked.


and_it_aches July 19 2007, 21:23:30 UTC
Vincent took Dark up in his arms again, but this time by no means for comfort. He placed Dark in the water, clothes and all--the water was luke warm, thankfully, neither too cold nor hot. He knew he was being a bit vicious in his actions, but he had to be firm in everything that he did. Dark needed that shock that would bring him back to reality, the final understanding. And he was not about to start asking twice in order to obtain this.

He sat on the edge of the tub, blocking any route of escaping from the water, which was doing nothing but slowly rising in height. After a moment, Vincent cut the water off, the rumbling noises of the pooling water abruptly fading out, leaving the silence.


scarred_dark July 19 2007, 21:37:14 UTC
Dark splashed a bit ungracefully into the tub, the thought of dashing out made impossible when Vincent blocked the way out. Dark made a face, halfway between being frustrated and simply pouting at not having gotten his way. It faded in a moment, though, as Vincent turned off the water and it was quiet once again.

Dark looked down and was surprised to see the red from his injuries swirling around in the water above it, slowly turning it pink. He pulled his hands out of the water, frightened, but eventually remembered that that was a good thing. When Dark's fingers were rotting, he was supposed to wash it off, he remembered people telling him this. He hesitantly put his hands back in the water and sat there, not really sure what he should be doing. It was oddly quiet now, even with the water moving about and Vincent sitting right next to him.

"Dark's clothes are all wet." he stated the obvious, making a face and half-heartedly wringing out the bottom of his shirt. It was a pointless effort at it only got wet again seconds later.


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