[Thread] We Need to get a Little Crazy

Jul 08, 2007 19:50

Who: Pyro (loluronfire) and Dante (h3llblade)
What: Fighting, what else~
When: Now-ish
Where: First floor
Rating: PG-13 to R...Dante's got a mouth...

Dante grinned at the journal page. So Pyro wanted to burn him? Good luck. But, Dante needed to get out some anger anyways - that punch to Schuldig's face didn't award him with quite as much satisfaction as he'd expected - so why not take advantage of a chaleenge. The kid was puny, anyways.

He stepped down off of the last stair to the first floor. The game room was near, and he thought he spotted Pyro playing with that stupid lighter. A smirk graced his lips as he closed the journal with a quick snap and walked up to the other.

"Have you said your prayers, little boy?"

pyro, dante

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