they see me rollin'

Jul 08, 2007 00:05

Who: Selphie and Seifer
What: Hanging out and... Selphie's first drink(s).
When: After this.
Where: Kitchen.
Rating: PG-13... maybe R? :|

Bouncing on the balls of her feet, Selphie waited patiently on the first floor for Seifer… of all people. Something in the back of her mind told her that this was a bad idea-not just the drinking, but the whole being friendly with Seifer thing. But if he wanted to do something bad, he would have already, right? And it wasn’t like Selphie couldn’t take care of herself…

Besides, Selphie thought Seifer might be a little lonely without his friends.

Selphie looked down at her watch (yes, she was still dressed in something that looked more appropriate for summer) and wondered if he would chicken out. He didn’t really seem to believe her when she said she was willing to hang out with him!

selphie tilmitt, seifer almasy

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