[Thread] Watanuki, Renji

May 14, 2007 23:05

Who: Renji (insolentangel). Watanuki Kimihiro (blueyedprophet)
When: Right after this.
Where: Room 2408
Rating: PG at most, I'd imagine D:

Renji sat uncomfortably on the end of his bed, absently turning over his glasses in his hands, running a thumb over the smooth edges, turning them over again, and then sliding them up onto his forehead with a sigh. He was not a happy angel.

He was worried. From what he'd seen since getting his glasses back (from Zelman, but that was a whole other can of worms he didn't want to go into at the moment), there were a lot of people in the castle who needed help, and from what he'd seen and heard from Watanuki... Frowning, he stood up and shoved his hands down into his pockets. There was no use worrying about it now. He'd either be putting his fears to rest or confirming them soon enough.

watanuki kimihiro, renji

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