[Thread] Ruby and Speed

May 14, 2007 19:32

Who: Ruby, Speed
What: Random outdoor encounter?
When: Nowish
Where: Outside
Rating:PG-13 (ruby's got a mouth on her)

Ruby was frustrated. She may have been the only person in the world who knew but she was frustrated. She'd put on a strong face. She'd even watched Vexen dissect Even for the most part. It had been a little morbid and weird but there was something fascinating about knowing what the inside of two of her friends looked like. She'd handled it like a champ in her opinion, actually. And at the moment her opinion was the only one that she really though counted on the matter.

She wasn't angry, not really. Just a little sad... and a lot aggravated with things. Not enough to effect her everyday life but definitely enough to make her want to blow shit up. So blow shit up she was doing.

She stretched her wings and cupped them forward to slow her down over the forest then took a deep breath. She felt the fire being born inside of her. Her feathers shuddered slightly just before it exploded from her mouth and streaked toward the ground. Boom. One less tree in the woods of Paradisa.
Ruby held one of her claws toward the earth and the blazes that she'd started with her breath snuffed out. There was something soothing about giving birth to fire then destroying it all in the span of a few moments. The booms that occured when she blew shit up were satisfying too of course. She chuckled softly and stroked the air, sending herself straight up from the woods. She wished the castle would give her more area to stretch her wings in but oh well.

tim speedle, ruby

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