Thread: Suki, Sokka & Yue!

Mar 30, 2007 02:16

Who: Sokka, Suki and Yue
What: Yue is confused and upset by her arrival. She finds an unexpected friend in Suki, who is coincidentally from the same world as her! Add in that they share the same boyfriend? Sokka is so dead.
When: Late last night.
Where: Outside, then Sokka's room.
Rating: PG.

Yue: Breathing again felt so.. surreal. Yue was rather confused though, and startled as to where she was. What happened? Didn't her sacrifice restore the moon? Were her people okay? With worry evident on her features, she wandered out from her room, gently biting her lower lip. Doors upon doors, but not a person in sight..

The princess gingerly made her down way down the stairwell, relieved to hear voices suddenly, but.. who were these people? She didn't recognize anyone who ran past her, and it scared her a little to even continue. But she did so anyway, making her way down to the first floor of the castle. Catching a small glipse outside the window, she realized it was already night wherever she was... So she wandered out, finding comfort in the moon's glow much like her people did back home. It hurt not knowing what happened to her family, the Avatar, Sokka.. What was she suppose to do now?

Suki: Suki had had a pretty good night so far--talking with Ino about simple things like boys and dates wasn't something she got to do very often. Especially since Katara had been strangely busy lately. She had felt strangely restless, however, and decided to enjoy the beautiful warm weather and go for a night time stroll. Once outside the castle walls, she breathed the night air in with a content sigh. It was really beautiful.

Suddenly, in the not so far off distance she saw a girl...a strange looking girl, with beautiful pale white hair and ornate clothing. She looked...confused. Scared even. Suki frowned and decided to check it out. She strode up beside the girl and asked softly."Hi...are you okay?"

Yue: Lost in her thoughts and worries, Yue jumped a little at the soft voice which spoke out to her. There was something.. familiar about the girl. She wasn't sure why. "I'm.. not sure," she answered her hesistantly, and shook her head.

"I don't understand how I got here.. Do you live in the castle?" she decided to ask. The castle was like nothing she had ever seen before. And she was anxious to find out what happened to the Northern Water Tribe. This girl seemed kind... She really hoped she would be able to help her!

Suki: Ah--so she was new here. Suki frowned in sympathy and answered slowly. "No I...well, I mean I live in the castle now but I'm originally from a different world...I'm guessing you are too. This place..well, it sort of kidnaps you from your original home and forces you to live here. At least..I'm pretty sure that's what it does."

No one was entirely sure about this place, but that was her best guess. She extended a hand. "I'm Suki. I'm...sorry you had to end up here, but maybe I can help you adjust?"

Yue: Letting the words sink in, Yue found herself feeling sympathetic towards Suki too. So she was from another world as well? This bothered her. Surely there were people who missed this girl, wherever she came from. She understood it deeply.. She missed her father, her people. Sokka, the boy she fell in love with before her home was attacked. She blinked a little when Suki extended her hand, and took it carefully, shaking her hand gently. "I see.. Thank you, Suki. My name is Yue, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said, her lips curling into a small smile. She was grateful to talk to someone to kind.

Although there was a possibility that her family and friends were here, she really hoped they weren't. Who could save their home, then? It troubled her already that she was suppose to pass on. "Is there anyway to find out if my family is here?"

Suki: "Nice to meet you, Yue." Yue--a pretty name. She took a closer look at the girl--there was something about her that seemed...regal, almost. She was so pretty! She smiled slightly, and nodded.

"Yeah, you can always ask the journal...well, where are you from Yue?" Who knew? Maybe one of her friends was from Yue's world.

Yue: "Ask the journal?" she tilted her head curiously, wanting to ask Suki more about what she meant. But when the question about her homeland came, she lowered her deep blue gaze to the ground, and sighed softly. A hand was placed over her heart, and she looked back to the girl a bit sadly.

"I came from the kingdom at the North Pole. Where are you from, Suki?" she asked her the same, wondering how many different places the people in the castle came from. Would she be able to return home? There were so many unanswered questions, but she didn't want to burden Suki for much longer.

Suki: "North Pole..." She took a closer look at the girls clothing and--it suddenly hit! No wonder she had been drawn to this girl--she was wearing water tribe clothing!. "You're from the Water Tribe!! I'm from the Earth Kingdom!"

She grabbed Yue's hand in excitement. "My boyfriend is from the Water Tribe too! Only..from the South Pole..oh have to meet him!" She grinned in excitment, and began leading Yue up towards the castle, where Sokka's room waited.

Yue: Yue shyed away a little from Suki as she took a closer look at her clothing. A squeak of her surprise emitted from her lips when her hands were suddenly grabbed.. And her eyes widened in surprised when she realized they were both from the same world. What a strange fate this was.. She listened to Suki continue on, following her lead back into the castle. Boyfriend from the South Pole? 'Sokka, Southern Water Tribe,' She remembered his words so clearly.. The day they met, and everything that happened after. It spiraled down so quickly, she wished she had more time with him then. But that was selfish, so, she quickly shook the idea from her head.

She was excited though, hoping that Suki's boyfriend knew Sokka, Katara and the Avatar. She wanted to know if they were all right. "This is so wonderful! I never expected to meet someone from my world here. I would love to meet him, Suki," she answered, smiling a little. "Which part of the Earth Kingdom did you come from?" she asked curiously. She wanted to hear all about it.

Suki: As they made their way up the stairs, Suki found herself grinning with anticipation. How cool was it that she had run into a girl from her world? a Water Tribe girl no less? She turned back to Yue and offered her a huge smile.

"I'm from Kyoshi Island! Have you ever heard of it? It's a small island in the earth kingdom, where Avatar Kyoshi was born!"

Yue: Nodding a little when Suki told her about the island, Yue returned her smile slightly as she walked up the steps. "Yes. I've heard really good stories. I wanted to see it," she admitted. The customs of her tribe were strict, so traveling was always under heavy circumstances. Her thoughts wandered to Sokka again, and the time he took her to meet Appa. To freely travel in the sky everyday was amazing..

"Did you travel a lot?"

yue, sokka, suki

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