[Thread] Xehanort and Ansem

Mar 30, 2007 05:15

What: Some things need to be explained~
When: After This Thread~
Where: Xehanort's Room. Yummy. ;D
Warnings: Mild~

The entire situation had left Ansem...worrying. Not only did he and Xemnas not remember what had happened before they had been created, but Xehanort didn't remember what had led them to the situation in the first place, thus leaving them witha peculiar conundrum. Both Xemnas and Ansem had been hoping and relying on the fact that Xehanort would remember, that they would be able to use his knowledge of before, and theirs of after to develop a proper plan to overtake Paradisa.

That was gone now, and now they had to fill Xehanort not only into his fate, but also everything prior. The Darkness, Kingdom Hearts, the King, the Keyblade, the princesses of the Heart... It was all lost to him.

It infuriated him, and Ansem realized this when he noticed the shadows festering and pooling around his door. Great. He would probably have a Keyblader over by his door ready to attack next time he came through. Lovely.

Scowling, he made his way to Xehanort's room slowly, trying to calm himself to meet his original for the first time. Like meeting a long-lost brother, or something.


Finally, he arrived, a plethora of thoughts running through his mind as he made his way there, finally knocking on the door firmly, but softly.

ansem, xehanort

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