Thread: Suki, Sokka & Yue!

Mar 30, 2007 02:16

Who: Sokka, Suki and Yue
What: Yue is confused and upset by her arrival. She finds an unexpected friend in Suki, who is coincidentally from the same world as her! Add in that they share the same boyfriend? Sokka is so dead.
When: Late last night.
Where: Outside, then Sokka's room.
Rating: PG.

Don't make me use my MOON POWERS on you. )

yue, sokka, suki

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Comments 23

sukifivedollah March 30 2007, 06:34:52 UTC
"Before I met the Avatar, I didn't travel at all--I just lived on Kyoshi Island. Afterwards, I was inspired to help fight against the fire nation--so I led my warriors away from Kyoshi. To help. We even got to save the Avatar's flying bison one time!" A bittersweet memory--the last one she had of her world.

"Ah! We're here!" The stood in front of Sokka's room, and Suki turned to Yue one more time with a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll really like him--and maybe he'll know some of your friends or something!"

She turned and knocked hard on the door. "Hey! It's me!! I have someone I want you to meet--you won't believe this!"


remarkableoaf March 30 2007, 11:41:34 UTC
Aside from meeting that one guy in the kitchen, Sokka's day was mostly uneventful, but happy. He was glad that the weather was making Suki happy, and he was glad that he got to contribute to Paradisa's well-being by patrolling the halls... Not like there's much to see besides the usual people and some ducks.

No matter, though. He was carving his table next to the window when Suki knocked. In the middle of a reminiscent 'fish', Sokka stood up slowly. Who did she meet at this late hour? He made his way over to the door and flung it open. "Hey S--!"

He stopped dead in his tracks. That second guest? He'd recognize her anywhere. But of all the people in his entire world, he was honestly NOT prepared, and NOT expecting such a person.



moonspirited March 30 2007, 16:22:17 UTC
Suki knew the Avatar? Saved Appa? Yue grew anxious as Suki knocked on her boyfriend's door. He was from the Southern Water Tribe, and if she knew Aang, that almost meant that she knew Katara and-

".. Sokka?" The princess' eyes went wide the moment the door was opened, and her heart sank. Sokka was Suki's boyfriend. Suki was Sokka's girlfriend. But seeing him here, alive, was a huge relief.

Everything Yue was feeling just then though, was too overwhelming. Her eyes filled her tears, and she buried her face in her hands. "I.. I'm so happy that you're safe," she managed through the quiet whimpering.


sukifivedollah March 30 2007, 19:32:26 UTC
The huge smile she had been wearing on reaching Sokka's door slowly fell away at the sight that greeted her-She watched Sokka's face fall, and watched Yue dissolve into tears. She went with her first instinct, which was to put her hand on Yue's shoulder.

"I..oh my...Are you okay?!" She felt absurdly guilty. Here she was trying to help someone and it had resulted in her boyfriend looking horrified and made the nice-but-confused girl she had met outside cry.

She looked up to Sokka, her gaze a mixture of pleading and confused. She swallowed the first question she wanted to ask What's going on? How do you know this girl? and instead asked "Maybe...we could come inside?" She prepared to guide the obviously grief-stricken girl to seat in Sokka's room.


remarkableoaf March 30 2007, 21:03:37 UTC
Seeing Yue break down in tears was something he didn't want to see, not after all this time. "You're alive..." he whispered, barely audible. Sokka wanted to reach out and give her the biggest hug ever, just to make sure that she's really alive. He slowly stretched his arm out, but Suki got there first, and he snatched it back.

What a terrible situation.

At Suki's question, he nodded and stepped back, motioning for them to enter. His heart was racing, and his head was spinning. A small part of him thought he wasn't going to get out of this alive. He agreed.


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