Numero uno

Apr 20, 2007 08:47

Interconnecting journals! I love it, that's brilliant! That's--ah, not why I'm here.

PEOPLE OF THE CASTLE. I seem to have lost someone upon arriving here, and would lovelovelove your help in finding her so I can get going. A rather attractive young medical student who goes by the name Martha Jones was with me, and now she's quite... not. She's--oh ( Read more... )

tenth doctor

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Comments 23

sunshinymech April 20 2007, 15:25:49 UTC
I wander 'round here lots so I'll keep an eye out for her.

Martha Jones? I'll remember! (An' I like your drawin' ... it's cute!)

You're welcome ... Doctor ... who now?


not_from_mars April 20 2007, 19:05:35 UTC
Perfect! Thank you. I'd love to have as many people as I can round here on the lookout; jiffies things up.

Just the Doctor. And who might you be?


sunshinymech April 20 2007, 19:36:29 UTC
Not a problem.

The Doctor ... Doctor of anythin' in particular?

I'm Kaylee! Nice ta meet ya!

[[ooc: and my little fangirly heart has exploded ... ZOMG THE DOCTOR! XD]]


not_from_mars April 20 2007, 20:17:08 UTC
Nah, I'm a bit of a freelancer, really.

Pleasure, Kaylee! Now, er, could you tell me exactly where - and when - we are? Not sure I recognize it. Well--looks a bit like a medieval castle, but the folks round here are screaming incongruity.

((OOC: Aww! :D ♥))


vengefullight April 20 2007, 20:15:03 UTC
I don't see how these journals are 'brilliant', but whatever. I'd might as well try to keep an eye out for your friend. Not that I care or anything [scribbled out]

... but I need a name, 'Doctor'. ...Doctor who?

[ooc: *shot for the completely predictable joke* XDD]


not_from_mars April 20 2007, 20:27:06 UTC
Ah well, one man's ceiling is another man's floor. And thanks very much, mate.

Honestly, can't people come up with a better way to ask [Scratched out] Just the Doctor. S'all!


vengefullight April 20 2007, 21:36:03 UTC
Uhm, right. If you say so. Either way, Doctor, I'll keep an eye out for this Martha Jones fellow of yours.

Excuse me for asking, but, doesn't just 'The Doctor' get a little redundant after a while? No other names to go by? Oh, say, 'John Smith'?

... Of course, this is also coming from the one that changed his name once already.


not_from_mars April 20 2007, 22:00:43 UTC
Oh, John Smith - classic, I love that one -, Petey Pullington, James McCrimmon, The Oncoming Storm, Theta Sigma, Ka Faraq Gatri, Ian MacDonald and far too many I can keep track of. I just prefer to be called the Doctor.


maskemotion April 21 2007, 16:50:58 UTC
If that is an accurate representation of her hair... I expect I would avoid standing behind her. Don't want to lose me eye.

But I'll keep an eye out, definitely. Oh look, I'm so bloody witty today! [transcribed chuckle]

But welcome to Paradisa, 'Doctor'.


not_from_mars April 21 2007, 19:49:39 UTC
Nah, I took a few artistic liberties. I can imagine that kind of hair would be dangerous! Helpful against the bad guys, not so practical otherwise.

[transcribed laugh] All right! Wonderful, that makes three plus me. Keep 'em peeled, Lewis. Have I said that before?

Thank you--er, sorry, who are you?


maskemotion April 22 2007, 13:39:32 UTC
Good, good. Though, you're right about it being a good weapon, I figure - but she'd have to be running at them backwards! Unless you were steering. But that'd be awkward, wouldn't it?

Me name's Valentine. How about you? Got a name besides 'Doctor'? Or a title with it, like 'Doctor of Insanely Complex Literature Written in Ten Different Dead Languages' or 'Doctor of Explosive Combinations of Sweets'?


not_from_mars April 22 2007, 20:31:28 UTC
Er--yes, quite awkward, actually. I'll just file that under 'very impractical weapons' and that'll be that.

Pleasure, Valentine! And no, just the Doctor. Of course, I could lengthen that to Doctor of Just About Anything That Stumbles My Way, but introducing myself would get a bit annoying after a while. So call me Doctor, right? [Scribbled ':D']


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