Numero uno

Apr 20, 2007 08:47

Interconnecting journals! I love it, that's brilliant! That's--ah, not why I'm here.

PEOPLE OF THE CASTLE. I seem to have lost someone upon arriving here, and would lovelovelove your help in finding her so I can get going. A rather attractive young medical student who goes by the name Martha Jones was with me, and now she's quite... not. She's--oh ( Read more... )

tenth doctor

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maskemotion April 21 2007, 16:50:58 UTC
If that is an accurate representation of her hair... I expect I would avoid standing behind her. Don't want to lose me eye.

But I'll keep an eye out, definitely. Oh look, I'm so bloody witty today! [transcribed chuckle]

But welcome to Paradisa, 'Doctor'.


not_from_mars April 21 2007, 19:49:39 UTC
Nah, I took a few artistic liberties. I can imagine that kind of hair would be dangerous! Helpful against the bad guys, not so practical otherwise.

[transcribed laugh] All right! Wonderful, that makes three plus me. Keep 'em peeled, Lewis. Have I said that before?

Thank you--er, sorry, who are you?


maskemotion April 22 2007, 13:39:32 UTC
Good, good. Though, you're right about it being a good weapon, I figure - but she'd have to be running at them backwards! Unless you were steering. But that'd be awkward, wouldn't it?

Me name's Valentine. How about you? Got a name besides 'Doctor'? Or a title with it, like 'Doctor of Insanely Complex Literature Written in Ten Different Dead Languages' or 'Doctor of Explosive Combinations of Sweets'?


not_from_mars April 22 2007, 20:31:28 UTC
Er--yes, quite awkward, actually. I'll just file that under 'very impractical weapons' and that'll be that.

Pleasure, Valentine! And no, just the Doctor. Of course, I could lengthen that to Doctor of Just About Anything That Stumbles My Way, but introducing myself would get a bit annoying after a while. So call me Doctor, right? [Scribbled ':D']


maskemotion April 23 2007, 12:02:05 UTC
If you lengthened it to that, you could always introduce yourself as 'Doctor Jaatsmw.' Which... is a very strange, silly looking name now that I think of it. How would you pronounce 'smw' anyway? 'Sm-ew?'

But nevermind that! Doctor it is.

So. What is it you do? Or, did, before you got thrown into this bloody castle?


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