44 glittery Time Muppets

Dec 15, 2011 00:46

[it’s been pretty amusing for the last week, watching everyone get hit by fairies. for the most part, the balcony in the lobby has gone un-dusted …

… but this morning, the two Time Muppets wake up to find a new decoration on either side of their little perch: LADDERS. Two very sturdy, approachable, friendly-like ladders. Five lifts his head from his arms and looks over at it. he yawns, scrunches his face up in an approximation of a blink, and stretches, knocking Eleven’s fez off onto the floor below --

-- and then does a double-take as he realizes JUST what’s changed]

Hey! Hey, wake up!

[Eleven groans as he wakes up] Stop your shouting. Can’t you see I’m trying to-

[He stops as he realizes two things. One - that his fez is now rolling to the middle of the lobby floor. And two - that there is a ladder by his elbow. He looks over at Five and cocks his head, running a hand over his messy hair]

I don’t remember calling in a decorator.

Maybe you wish in your sleep. [he sits up in his seat as much as he can and leeeeeans over the edge of the balcony, trying to push the ladder on his side away from the wall, with appropriate sounds of strain and effort. when pushing doesn’t work, he tries pulling, to the same lack of effect] Well, they’re on there pretty good. …. Too bad.

If I wished for these it was in an effort to get away from your snoring. [Eleven tries to shove his own ladder, his face squishing and his arms shaking with the effort. Giving up, he lets his arms flop to his sides in defeat, turning to look at his counterpart.] You don’t think this means what I think this means, do you?

I usually think this means what you think this means, so - sure, I don’t see why they can’t bring the Christmas cookies up here.

[Eleven thwacks Five right in the celery] No, you old coot! [He stretches out one arm to point at the fairies making their way across the lobby towards them] Those!

[he rocks back into his seat and shakes his head quickly, then shoves Eleven’s arm out of the way so he can leeeeeean over the edge of the balcony and spot the --] Oh, come on, those? They’re just fairies.

[wait for it]

FAIRIES?! [and then he’s scrambling for the ladder, wishing like anything that he wasn’t glued to his seat. for a second it almost looks like sheer determination might dislodge him -- and then one little adorable fairy settles in his hair and sneezes, showering glittery dust all over him]

[Meanwhile, Eleven has been trying to pry himself up off of his chair. He shoves desperately at the armrests, trying to wrench himself up so he can throw himself off this blasted balcony and away from those things. He looks up to see a fairy sitting atop a very glittery Five and he can’t help but point and laugh... until a fairy lands on his outstretched arm and blows that glittery dust into his face]

Y’know... [Five’s head tilts slowly to one side as he turns back toward Eleven, glitter irrevocably stuck to the felt of his face and arms] D’you know where I’d be without you?

[Eleven scrapes a hand across his eyes, trying in vain to rid them of glitter. He looks at Five, though the impact of his unimpressed look is rather lessened by the glitter covering his face.] No. Where?

Me either. [and then he leans over and gives him a Muppety kiss on the cheek. MWAH.]

[Eleven smiles fondly and drapes an arm over Five’s shoulders. ILOVEYOUMAN. After a quick one armed hug he looks out over the lobby. Somehow, the decorations don’t look half bad anymore.]

((OOC: Last shot at CR with the Time Muppets before they go off to Paris and turn … well, not quite back into themselves! Those ladders are there for a very good reason - climb on up and get some kisses!))

fifth doctor, eleventh doctor

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