18 stockings filled by Stantz-a Claus

Dec 14, 2011 22:26

[Filtered to Kids - And Anyone Else Who Believes In Santa]

Hey, guys, it's getting pretty close to Christmas! Are you all getting super excited? I know I am, it's one of my favorite times of the year! ... I put up this filter because I'm gonna collect all the letters you guys want to send to Santa Claus, and make sure they get to the post office in the City Royale in time. So, if you want to write the big guy a letter, you can just send it my way - my name's Ray Stantz, and I'm in Satis Tower, on the second floor, room four. Normally, I'd say just slide them under the door, but I don't know if my dog Blue eats papers, yet, so - I'll make a special mailbox and put it outside my door. Okay?


[Rory Pond]
Hi, just thought I'd check in with you and see how you and your family are doing, since we haven't talked in a little while. Did you guys have a good Thanksgiving?

[filters out of the way, Ray will now be outside in the hall, mounting a very festive-looking and rugged mailbox outside his door. he's castle-savvy enough by now that it's the sort that can't have the mail inside tampered with - but you wouldn't be mean enough to do bad things to Santa's mailbox, WOULD you? after the box is up, he'll start decorating his door by wrapping it up in wrapping paper. Blue will just be laying in the doorway, chewing on an already-de-squeaked stuffed squirrel, wondering what all this nonsense is about and why he can't eat the tinsel.

yep. someone's got the holiday bug. clearly, he needs to BE bugged]

ray stantz

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