(no subject)

Jun 05, 2010 18:25


...It's a bit unkind to try to just up and leave when you're still actually around here, you know. People like Demyx, Jun, Hyakurin, Doa, Yukari when she left... Six... it's not like they could help just not being there anymore. The castle took that decision out of their hands.

You're still here. I know you're still around. Your name is still on the door. So.

I suppose you were keeping an eye on that. I wondered if you laughed, at all the fuss, and then I'm sure you did. Everyone dancing as someone else made the moves... looks like Riful is cutting in on your schtick, huh? Although I guess it's a pretty big schtick, and you aren't that old. Other people did that before you, and maybe you cut in on their schtick too. Maybe it's silly to even start it out like that.

We're just lucky, aren't we? People are all right. No conclusive moves were made, at least I don't think so, but nobody died - [doesn't know about Joan] - not that that's too conclusive here, usually, and everyone is back here and getting better. And like most things it'll be buried under new things soon. It doesn't seem like most people remember around here - well, no, that's probably not the right way to put it. But these things aren't taken to heart. We recover fast. Maybe it's naive, but it's also a relief in a way, not to be burdened down under all that terror and suffering, all the time. People who are hurt cry and get worried over and recover and even seem to manage it, at least as far as I've seen.

...What were you trying to make me see, with Zelman there? I suppose you'd never say straight out, but I know there was something, or else why would you have bothered?

And, by the way, if you could be encouraging like a regular person sometimes instead of using stupid reverse psychology gloating, that would be great. Although I suppose the latter is more you. [she clicks her tongue.] I do notice these things, you know.

As for what I'd say if you said you won - [she figured that one out in retrospect too,] - I would have to tell you that I don't care! If you won, you just won a battle, not a war. So.

There you are.

Don't make me bang on your window again. Or maybe I'll try something different this time. I hope you don't care too deeply about your door.


[there's a quick sound of ruffling here. almost like a bird rucking up all its feathers before it settles. dictated,]

You know... the manor out there. Isn't finding that strange?

It makes me wonder how well we really have the ground we live on, that the castle apparently seems to control, mapped. I mean, Riful couldn't have built that, right? It looked pretty old and like it wasn't in the best shape, and I've never heard anyone mention it before - any of our longer-term residents care to chip in with regards to that? Do we know this place was around? Or was it just something the castle sort of extruded, for her to hide out in, because she wanted it?

[a pause, and then a tiny amused noise.] Extruded. I make it sound like the castle just popped that thing out of the ground. Like growing a wart. A mansion-wart. Which is a pretty disgusting thought, now that I think of it. Maybe it's more like a bean sprout. Let's call it that. The castle grew a bean sprout.

But regardless of that... isn't it unusual? Isn't is strange? How many other places might there be like that, out and waiting to be discovered?

It makes me realize how hard it is to do anything here, on the castle's ground. They say that he who holds the earth can conquer heaven, and, well... the castle holds the earth. And all the cards. [that sharp, ruffling noise again, and then tap-tap-tap.] Basically, even as we try to learn more, we're doing it in the midst of the castle's grounds and power. I'm saying this stuff because it's letting me say this stuff, wouldn't you agree? Presuming that it's aware and sentient as we say, and how clearly it can do whatever it wants. I'm proposing all of these theories and things and it's just letting me. Every time we think we spite it, it's just letting us get away with whatever we think we're so good getting by. Which leads me to wonder how much progress we can really make with anything, centralized here the way we are...

[a pause.]

[ruffle. tap tap tap.] Pretty unnerving.

[tap tap tap.] Hmm... you know, I made some miso soup and rice, and there's still extra left. It's just in the kitchen, so anyone who comes by can help themselves, if they want.

[ruffle ruffle tap tap tap. Rin is sitting at the kitchen table, soup and rice near at hand, finishing off shuffling a deck of cards v. thoroughly before starting to set up a game of solitaire. of course, it's only a game of solitaire for now, depending on those who might show up and what they potentially would want to play.]

asano rin

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