Holy crap! A Meme!

Feb 24, 2013 12:39

How this works: Comment with your favorite color and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

Here's what cyanide_n_gold gave me:

1. What is your favorite kind of Girl Scout Cookie? 
Good question! For years I was all about Thin Mints.  But I was introduced to Samoas three years ago and now I'm torn between the two.

2. Is there a TV show that you could watch for hours on end if you had the time?
It varies.  I tend to get passionately involved with programs and consume them in an orgiastic glut until they're gone (Lately it's been House of Cards on Netflix).  I do keep going back to M*A*S*H though... there are so many episodes that I can't exhaust them so easily as I can more recent series'.

3. What is a place you've always wanted to travel to?
I've want to travel anywhere and everywhere in general... we grew up so poor that we didn't even go to Canada (which is obscenely close to my hometown) more than a handful of times.  The first country/continent I can remember wanting to travel to, though, is Australia.  Blame Paul Hogan if you will (and I know well that Australia isn't all like what you see in Crocodile Dundee) but it got stuck in my mind a long time ago that it would be pretty neat to explore there.  Books like "The Thorn Birds", "The Ladies of Missalonghi" and "The Australians" didn't help that much.  Later, when Bill and I started talking expatriation and he suggested New Zealand I got a bit excited.  Now, I know NZ is far from Australia, but it's a huge step closer to actually visiting Australia than where I am now. :)  (Nothing has been decided on the expat front, mind you...)

4. Looking around the room you are in right now and only within that room, what are your 5 favorite items?
My laptop, my smartphone, the box my little sister bought me in India, the Canopic jar Bill made when he was student teaching (It's stopper has a Cthulhu-shaped head), and Jinks (yes, he's an organism... but he's one of my very favorite items in this room.)

5. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Goodness, that's a tough one.  I liked them all fine, but I've always been kinda fickle about television shows.  I will start out loving them, but loose interest if I have to wait a long time between episodes or seasons. (This is what happened with Glee... I loved the show, but the mid-season breaks it takes are unacceptably long and smack of hubris.)  When I was a child, I don't remember feeling particularly wedded to any one serial cartoon.  I do, however, have many fond memories about the animated movies I watched as a child.  The Hobbit, The Return of the King, The Last Unicorn, Shinbone Alley, Animal Farm and Watership Down were all seminal viewing for me as a child and I remember them all fondly.

Now, comment and I'll give you some questions. :)
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