Embracing the Gerbil Wheel.

Nov 24, 2012 12:20

With the advent of inclement weather I have been less inclined to go jogging.

I don't mind running in the rain so long as that rain is in spring, summer or early fall.  See, the rain is warm-ish then.  This time of year, the rain gets all mixed up with wind chill and mid-30F to 40F temps and makes for a hugely unpleasant experience.  You can have all the technical running gear in the world (which I don't - that shit's expensive!), but it does nothing for warmth once you saturate it with near freezing rain.  All you have after that point is a bunch of cold, wet fabric on that flops around and weighs you down. :P

So, after assessing our budget I decided to bite the bullet and join a gym.  There's one reasonably close to me that offers a month-to-month student rate (which I now qualify for).  The dues are cheaper than the gym I used to belong to... plus this gym has the nicer amenities that my old gym didn't have - like lockers and more than one shower.

It bears mentioning that I've never done well running on a treadmill.  And I think elliptical machines are a tool of the devil.
To be fair, I did most of my treadmill running before I got my Vibrams, and we all know my problems with extended exercise in standard running shoes.  Also, I used to have major foot-strike issues during treadmill running... I've almost twisted my ankle more times than I like to think about on treadmills.  Again, this was all back when I was using standard shoes though. Regardless of "new shit coming to light" I still have the unpleasant association of treadmill running = shooting pains across the balls of my feet and chronic near-ankle twisting.

Sadly, the weather is going to continue to misbehave for the next 4+ months... this I cannot change. So, while treadmill running is NOT my preference, it will have to do for now. 
Yesterday was my first day accessing the gym's services.  I ran through w4d3's interval routine again to make sure I could do it after taking two weeks off and did fine.  Today, after dropping B off at work I went over to the gym and, ran w5d and felt pretty good!  The kind of treadmill used at this gym isn't as bouncy as the treadmills from the last gym - I think this helps in keeping my foot strike alignment in more or less correct order.  Of course the football ache is a non-issue with these shoes.

At the end of my run, on impulse, I decided to attend the Power Yoga class.

For the record: I've been doing yoga off and on for 16 years.  Lately I'd been doing a runner-specific Vinyasa series from YogAmazing after each run.  It seems to stretch me out better than just stretching would. My runner-specific routine is pretty gentle lasts about 20 minutes.

Today's class was an hour and 45 minutes, and boy did it kick my ass. I was actually reminded of the Yogi Steve Ross' class while in this class.  Except the Yogi running my class didn't have the relaxed attitude, fun music and jokes Steve Ross' classes have (which, imho, is key to an enjoyable session).  I suppose if I want to have a Steve Ross-like class I ought to become a yoga instructor and teach in the Steve Ross style, eh? (It's either that or move to Southern Cali - which I don't think I can convince B to agree to.)

I did pretty well, all things considered.  I had to drop out of the flow several times to regain my breath and composure... but that's what the instructor suggested I do as I needed to (I introduced myself to him before class started and initiated a brief discussion about his expectations, my level of flexibility and modification accessories that were available.)  At the end of class he stopped at my mat and praised me for being able to keep up as much as I did.  As I was leaving the studio he said: "I hope I see you next Saturday!"

Will I go back?  Probably.  It works well for me to go to the gym after I drop B off at work. His class starts at 8:00 am - which is right about when I'd be finishing up with that day's run.  Additionally, I'm of the firm conviction that I need to squeeze every bit of my money's worth out of this gym while I have the membership.  I'm not under contract, and my plan as of this moment is to discontinue my membership once it gets nice enough to go back to running outdoors.

Now, even though I've had a nice, early lunch and a latte I am pooped.  I think I'm going to take a nap for a short while.
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