my poor Zeo-car...

Jul 25, 2006 18:43

it's distressing, having to rush my poor old Zeo-car into the shop unexpectedly. but today i just had to do it. and now i'm sitting here worrying about him.

sounds kinda silly, saying it like that, but it's true. i'm worried about what might be wrong with my poor car, how expensive it's going to be, whether or not i'll have enough to cover it or what, how soon it'll be done or if i'll be without car for a few days -- and what if there's some emergency and we need another car?

okay, that's a little over the top. unless Sean's taken it to work, we HAVE another car. but still.

i worry.

i gotta check my bank account tonight. gotta know how much i can cover.



anyway, here's the dramatic reinactment:

i got up this morning, got ready for work, headed out and... Zeo was suddenly both throaty and sluggish in a very disturbing way. and i think to myself, oh, FUCK. so i drive to work carefully, and when i get a break late enough to safely call the house i call and talk to L so i can ask her to let angel know when she emerges that i'm having car trouble and there may be a need for either an emergency pick-up of oil or taking the car into the shop. i also said i'd keep them posted in case it was better, later.

unfortunately, it was not.

when i got out of work and started to drive home, it was worse. in fact, i could clearly link it to the shifting of the gears. by the time i got home, i was freaked, and i called and made an emergency appointment to drop the Zeo-car off at the garage earlyearly tomorrow morning.

and then angel called, and we ended up bringing it in right then. L and i drove down to meet her at the mechanics' and the Zeo-car is all set to get looked at tomorrow morning.

bleh i say.


i am a supremely lucky chibi. it was not, as was feared, the transmission. or, it was, but not in the way i'd feared.

the transmission mount cracked.

so, new transmission mount, happy car, happy chibi, much smaller total than expected, and an appointment for the Zeo-car to go back into the shop Aug 8th for general servicing and attention to the header gasket/seals.

which will be expensive, but oh-so worth it. after all, engine not leaking oil and such = longer lasting, better performing car. and that makes me a happy chibi.

car trouble

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