
Jul 28, 2006 21:07

well, i did it. survived my first three days on the phone on my own. i have no idea how good or bad i'm doing. i feel like i might be doing really poorly, but i'm not sure and it makes me scared. today was just kind of all over the place, too. i dunno. i do like it, though, and part of me is clamouring to just be on my own schedule instead of the last week we've got to face of full time. i'm so fried. this weekend isn't going to help that much.

brain spinning in so many different directions...

i'm annoyed at how little i've gotten done on the doll project. at the same time, what was i expecting, really? it's been humid as all get-out. i can't spray in that. i'm hoping to be able to get some time in tomorrow morning early but we'll see. there's sanding and touch-ups to do to finish Kaoru's hands and repair humidity damage to the sealant on one of his feet, then i move on to lower arms and legs. they need to all match, so i'll do them all at the same time. then it's time to work on the rest of the body again, i think, to get the paleness i want. i'm not sure. i just know i need to get the four solid-black bits out of the way. if i'm lucky (and good) i'll get them done tomorrow so all i have to worry about is the paleness of the rest of the body, and then matching that on the lower arms and legs along with the fade from black to pale. and in the midst of all that, i get to suede. good thing i'm doing it as i go.

and once that's done, he still needs wigs and ears and tails and clothes and pillows and and and and and...

and i worry that he won't sell. actually, i'm petrified that he won't sell. i know what i'd do with him if he didn't, and i'm fine with that plan, but at the same time i'd really like for him to sell, and even sell big. but i can't guarentee that. hence the fear. which sucks.

and i'm babbling... i let myself get too hungry. oops. not hungry now, though. had food. woo. chicken soup crackers. needed it. really did. something crunchy and non-sweet. even if it DOES mean lactaidness for me.

in other doll-related news... i am as far from my dolls as ever, although i have a totally unexpected one on layaway. my only way of justifying it? the company that made that model is out of business. there will be no more of that doll. so. i go for it. if the car doesn't eat all the money. hence layaway.

still babbling... sorry... falling over and dieing now.

dolls, cars, diet, work

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