Title: Lucky Author: papersoflight Rating: PG Pairing: Henry/Juliet Characters: Henry, Juliet Summary: Shawn set up a poker game. Warnings: Het, one minor cuss Table found here.
Title: How to Break in a New Teacher Fandom: Psych Subject: General Series Theme(s): Liar Paradox #1 Disclaimer: I don't own Psych. Rating: PG Table found here.
Title: Better That Way Fandom: Psych Subject: General Series Theme(s): # 11 self-deceit Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Psych, alas. Rating: Hard R for sex Warnings: Pre-slash, het sex Table found here.
Title: Old Friends Fandom: Psych Subject: General Series Theme(s): #3. Cover-up Disclaimer: I don't own Psych or the associated characters.
This is my version of the scene left out of the Pilot in which Interim Chief of Police Karen Vick discussed Shawn's "gift" with his father Henry Spencer. Minor spoilers for the Pilot.