Title: Shawn=Rock, Juliet=Hard Place
Fandom: Psych
Subject: (General Series)
Theme(s): #2 secret, #10 lie detector
Disclaimer: I don't own Psych
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Henry was a man ill at ease with secrets. He'd spent most of his life catching criminals in lies. So, keeping a secret from his son Shawn was not comfortable. But, he hadn't seen Shawn in over a year. And, blurting out how he had a very smart, very attractive and very young girlfriend wasn't the first thing that he had done when he'd seen Shawn at his door. And, once they'd settled in at the restaurant, Shawn began telling his wild story about being a fake psychic consulting for the SBPD. And, Henry couldn't tell him then, because his girlfriend was interviewing at the PD the next day. And, he sure couldn't tell her about Shawn working with the PD, because it'd be too hard to explain. And, he was a bad liar. So, Juliet would probably catch him. And, Juliet had moved all the way from Miami to be with him. And, Juliet had to take a lie-detector as part of her interview. And Henry had had to keep his girlfriend secret from his son and his son secret from his girlfriend. And, hope that neither of them suffered from it. And, hope that he didn't lose one or the other or both of them because of this. And, Henry really was a bad liar, because he couldn't take the stress.