
Dec 08, 2010 15:25

Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Cali Harris)

Well online stuff... the only newish factors, I think, are Dreamwidth, which is really same-community-different-locale, and Ravelry, which I am starting to delve into a little bit more, and lurk a little bit less. [I lurk. It's what I do.]

And then we're back to my Reverb10 theme, where everything's new, because, well, Florida. And I have a good department, and the newer faculty group is good. And there's even been a smidge of social stuff beyond that. And the 5Rhythms, people, who I've only met once, but who are amazing and welcoming. And the belly dance people, who are nice. And it's good -- don't get me wrong, I've been lucky, and things are going well here, on that front... but I want more, better, deeper, other... and the time to make that happen.

Which isn't to say... well, I feel greedy in one way, and neglectful in another, focusing on in-person-community. I have a wonderful, far-flung network of friends, family, and people who blur those lines. They're my safety net, my foundation. And there are all of these people out there who I wish I could spend more face-to-face time with... but they're not here, and transporter technology being what it is... you, or I at least, tend to focus where there're things lacking.

I'm playing along with Reverb10... a prompt for each day of December. Join us!

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