Doesn't it stink when...

Feb 15, 2006 23:47

... Your email program throws up an error dialog saying it can't connect to a server while you're at work, which for some odd reason means that all the other servers you have accounts with don't get checked, because the program is waiting for you to hit "OK"? So, the program utterly fails to retrieve your email, meaning that .emlx files don't get written to the appropriate directory for you to read them while logged in remotely. So you don't get all your email for an entire day.

Ok, yeah, that's probably only a problem in my own little addicted-to-constant-communication ADD world.

Yes, I do do everything on the command line. Because I can. Dammit.

--- Total topic jump happens here. Deal. ---

Yesterday, my boss was out for lunch when a giant sheet of ice flew off a large truck in front of him and completely obliterated his entire windshield. He couldn't swerve to miss it, because there was traffic on either side of him. Despite his sudden inability to see traffic in front of him, he managed to pull over two lanes without hitting anyone else. That's what I call chops.

--- Topic jump again. Neenur, neenur. ---

There's something about those made-up IT words that breaks through my "I'm concentrating, leave me alone" filter. I was dutifully tickety-typing away at some odd thing or another when one of my coworkers happened to use "architect" as a verb. I called over my shoulder that "architect" is a noun. He looked it up, and saw I was right. Everyone started trying to get my goat by using large words (the amusing part being that a few people were using them entirely incorrectly...), so I explained that the problem I had was with people making up words in order to sound intelligent -- i.e. I have no problem with verbosity (well, duh... I mean, how much space is this article currently taking up on your flist? Muahaha), and I have no problem with making up words to be cute... but goddamnit, I won't stand for people saying "marketechture" and thinking that this somehow sounds businesslike.

The terribly, terribly amusing thing is that I sent out an email not half an hour later (telling $person_we're_working_with that he was somewhat misinformed about $technology_we're_working_with) that I had to come over and interpret for my coworker. I thought I was being precise-- apparently, anything longer than a paragraph automatically invokes people's "this is dense" filter.

Ok, credit to the coworker? He's brilliant. He and I just speak two different languages. I speak occasionally antiquated, usually overly formal English, and he speaks Managerese. Meh.

geeky, work

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