Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with your picture.
That is my, "But I just woke up," face, and that is probably the only picture you will ever see of me without full make-up. I'll get the mail in my underwear, but not without make-up on. :p
And also, ARR, it be Talk like Ye Are a Pirate Day! Arrr. Though it doesn't mention anything about typing like a pirate, so I'm gonna finish this up real quick and go get ready for my yoga.
Muches to do today. Downtown, Squirrel Hill, back downtown, then to the South Side! Yipes!
Yoga time! +does the Caboose dance+ And if you don't know the Caboose dance, go watch RvB until your eyes fall out of their sockets.
Avast, me hearties.