fic; Pretend, then Act

Jun 01, 2010 00:01

Title: Pretend, then Act
Author: papanchi 
Word Count: 1428
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiIshi
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Drunk people, crack
Summary: Ichigo finds himself in a sticky situation in his birthday.
Disclaimer: Bleach and all it's characters are owned by Kubo Tite
Notes: Happy Birthday, kiyala !!! Birthday fic for youu~

x-posted to ishi_ichi

Here's a fic for youu! Eh, I think I lost my touch on this one. xDD (I'm soo sorry. >.<) I hope you have a great birthday!
Time-pressured here! Good thing I got to give it to you more or less at the stroke of midnight. <3


"We are so screwed." I was pacing back and forth across my room.

"Don't you mean you are?" Ishida said with a sly smirk. He was leaning his back against my closet, watching me.

I stopped and gave him a hard look. "Hey, it's as much your fault as it is mine, 'kay? And dammit, how can you be so calm?!"

"I fail to see how this is my fault. Please, humor me." God, I hate it when he acts like that.

"Are you blind or something, Ishida?!" I pointed to my bed. "There are two hungover girls in my house, who just happen to be Inoue and Rukia, all because we didn't stop them from drinking like there's no tomorrow! Oh, wait. You are blind!!"

Ishida smiled. He smiled. He's drunk. Great.

I heard a moan. "Sssshhhh.. Be quiet Ichigo.. Oohh.." Was that Rukia? It sounded more like Inoue.

"Why are you so worked up?" Ishida said in a high voice. "It's not like they're dead or anything. If memory serves, weren't you the one who had the idea of drinking because, and I quote, 'It's not a birthday without sake!' ?"

Wasn't he supposed to be drunk? How could he remember what I said so well? Not that his impression of me was good at all. "Hey, it's not my fault you guys can't hold your liquor. I just wanted to try to have some fun on my birthday. You were the ones who went all-out!"

"Stop worrying and calm down, Kurosaki. They'll be fine." He assured me like a drunk man would.

"Sure they'll be fine, but I won't!" I shouted. I didn't care if it was too loud for Princess Rukia's precious ears. "Can you just imagine what Tatsuki would do to me if she found out? And I think I could manage without a Senbonzakura wake up call, thank you."

Ishida didn't say anything. He just stared at me with his head cocked to his side. You are so useful, Ishida.

"You're so cute, Ichigo, you know that?" He giggled.

Cute? Ichigo? Of all the things that could come out of Ishida's mouth, he says that?!

"Heehee.." He grinned at me like he was embarrassed or something. It looked weird on Ishida to smile like that. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were twinkling which made it look like it was an alien in front of me. The way alien Ishida looked though, it was sorta sexy. Oh, fuck no. No.

"Ishida, get a grip. We have to--" The next thing I new Ishida was pinning me against the closet with both hands on my shoulders. Damn him and his weird Quincy shunpo.

"Do you remember what we had, Ichigo?" Ishida looked like he was just punched in the gut and showed how much it hurt. This wasn't Ishida. I tried to look away, but our faces were so close. "Remember?" Ishida pressed. "Before you kicked me out of your life like you did?" He sounded like a little girl who just got punished.

"I-Ishida, you're scaring me! I--"

"Do you?" He held me tighter. "Answer the question, Ichigo." I couldn't take it. Ishida looked so fragile. It hurt just to look at him.

Two years had already passed since the break-up. I thought he was over it already. I didn't know I hurt him like this. Oh, god.

+ + +
"I can't do this anymore, Ishida."


"I'm sorry. I can't live like this anymore."

"Why not?"

"Look around you, Ishida! People are making fun of us! I'm a boy and you're a boy. It's just not right."

"And here I thought that you were the boy who didn't care what others thought of him."

"I don't! But I do care what I think of myself! I don't give a shit of what other people think, much less what you think."

+ + +
 After that, we avoided each other but eventually got back to our High school friendly rivalry as if nothing ever happened between us.

Oh, man. I wasn't even thinking back then. For two years I've made him suffer. I never wanted that.

"Ishida, I... I remember. Please, just let go of me."

His deep blue eyes looked like they were about to burst with tears after I answered him, but instead he loosened his grip and let his arms fall to his sides. He still stood there in front of me with his head facing the floor. I couldn't move from my spot with Ishida right there.

"Liar. You..." His voice was so soft that I couldn't hear him even though we were so close to each other.

"I-Ishida?" I straightened up and grabbed his shoulders to give him a shake. "Ishida!"

"You liar." Was all I could make out of him.

"Dammit, Ishida! This isn't the time!" I pushed my hands off hoping to make him lose his balance. "I'm... I'm sorry, okay?! I'm sorry about what I said to you and I'm sorry I made you feel like that. Please, just stop it."

"You never.."

"It's--it's hurting me. Please, Ishida! Just..." For a moment there, I thought I was the one who'd burst when Ishida raised his head and had that superior smirk of his.

"You never were good with apologies, Kurosaki."

"Wha.. what?" I was dumbfounded.

"Look at you! You're all red." I could tell he was resisting the urge to laugh.

"H-Huh?! Wait, so you were just... pretending?!"

"I prefer the word acting."

"What the fuck, Ishida?! Do you enjoy making me look stupid? I really.. I really thought that I.."

"Oh, don't worry. I wasn't lying about anything. I just wanted to get back at you, that's all."

"Get back at me?!"

"Of course." He pushed up his glasses. "I mean, the situation couldn't be any more perfect. You're whole system is in chaos because two of your closest female friends are lying unconscious on your bed, your fear of what would happen to you if Arisawa-san and Kuchiki Byakuya found out. And last but not the least, your only hope of fixing the situation was supposedly drunk. The perfect opportunity for a breakdown, wouldn't you say, Kurosaki?"

I couldn't say anything. What could I say? How could he have planned all this? That bastard.

He sighed. "I see you're still very confused. Oh, how I missed playing with your head like this."

"I am going to fucking kill you." I grumbled.


"Why the hell would you do something like that?"

Ishida didn't say a thing. He just looked at me with the same proud smile plastered on his face. "I don't know."

"What do you mean, I don't know?!"

He took a step closer to me which made me press my body against the closet. "Maybe because,"

He leaned forward and kissed me softly.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe. I wanted to shove him away. At least, I think I did. His lips were so soft. I forgot how good he tasted.

Ishida backed off and let me breathe. He was watching me intently with his eyes examining my face. I hated that.

"I still like you, I guess." He gave me a sad smile.

"...Ishida." I managed to blurt out.

"Happy Birthday, idiot."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Ishida gave me that 'you're insane' look.

"Let me get this straight, you weren't lying while you were pretending?"

It took a while for him to answer. He probably wanted to correct me and say It's acting. "No. I wasn't. How is that funny?"

"And I quote! 'You're so cute, Ichigo, you know that?' "

Ishida's eyes widened and pushed up his glasses to cover his embarrassment. The idiot.

"So, you think I'm cute huh, my sweet little Uryuu?" I smiled triumphantly.

"N-Nonsense! I was just acting." He turned away and pushed up his glasses, again. "As if I'd mean that. Please, you should know me better than that, a-and don't you ever call me that!"

I grabbed his hand before he could move away and turned him around for me to pin him. I'm tired of him being in control already.

"Kurosaki--!" He gasped when I slammed him to the closet.

"Shh. Be quiet, Uryuu." I whispered. "You'll wake them up."

He just stared at me with that hot surprised look on his face. "Kurosaki..." He blinked.

"Dammit, Ishida."


I leaned forward to give him a kiss. "I didn't know you could act like that."

"I was just.." He returned the kiss. I could feel the smile he had on his lips. "..pretending."


character; kuchiki rukia, rating; pg-13, character; kurosaki ichigo, !presentfic, pairing; ichiishi, character; ishida uryuu, fanfiction

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