fic; My Heart

May 24, 2010 16:33

Title: My Heart
Author: papanchi 
Word Count: 563
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: UlquiHime, with Ichigo and Ishida.
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for the Lust Arc. Ulquiorra's want for a heart of his own.
Summary: Is it a sin to long for a heart? Ulquiorra centric.
Disclaimer: Bleach and all it's characters are owned by Kubo Tite.
Notes: Couldn't wait for the airing of the hand reach scene so I wrote a fic lol.
The whole Seven Deadly Sins really intrigued me, so I wrote this weird thingo for myself. xD

I'm very happy on how this turned out. :)
I support Ulquiorra's retuuuuurn!! <3

x-posted to bleachness and ulqui_hime

Is it a sin to long for a Heart?


She's different from the others.

It seems that I have gotten attached to this woman Aizen-sama has ordered me to look after. She keeps believing that her comrades will survive. Why is she so full of hope?

Though, she is the only one who has hope in this world to begin with. There's something about her.

She doesn't fear me.

I will come back to her again in an hour.

What is a heart?

You damn humans speak so easily of it, as if you can hold it in the palm of your hands. You stupid humans. You don't know what a heart is. It's just too far beyond your comprehension. I don't need a heart.

A heart makes you human.

I will do as Aizen-sama says. He left Hueco Mundo in my hands. All the lower ranks have failed Aizen-sama, but I haven't.

And I won't.

That woman. She keeps talking about it. How they're connected by it. How foolish. How can you be connected by something that cannot touch? They don't have the right to speak of such nonsense.

But then again, neither do I.

How does it feel to have a heart? They have one and don't even know. It's a farce. If I had one--

If I had one.

I don't.

That woman. She has one. She has a heart. I have to find a way for me to get hold of it. Aizen-sama no longer needs anything of her. I can do whatever I please.

If I tear open her chest, will it be there? If I crack open her skull, will I see it inside? And when I find it, it will be mine.

It will have to wait. It seems that Kurosaki Ichigo is after it as well. I have to deal with this lowly Shinigami first.

He doesn't know what true despair is.

I will have to teach it to him.

Then, I will have the heart.

Kurosaki Ichigo. You actually believe that you can defeat me? You really are interesting.

The woman, she came. I've already showed her that all her hope for freedom has died. Why does she still persist on healing him? Does she not want me to have her heart? Does she not fear me?

I see now.

There's another one. His speed is impressive, but he's still only human. A Quincy. Is he also after her heart? I cannot allow that. He will die, along with Kurosaki Ichigo.

How can that woman offer her heart so easily to those two, and not to me? This boy doesn't know what he's up against. I'll finish him off. I'll finish them all off.

I was wrong.

It's a farce. It's.. over.

Saved by that Quincy and beaten by a human Shinigami that turned into a Hollow. It's a farce.

The heart that I have so longed for.. I will never have it now.

He wins, and yet you do not wish to kill me, Kurosaki Ichigo?

Woman. Do you fear me?

This thing in my hand.. Yes..

Is the Heart?

A Heart; my Heart.

Am I human now?

I will come back. I will.. come.. back...

..for you.

Now, because of my Heart,

I lust for everything about you.


rating; g, character; ulquiorra cifer, pairing; ulquihime, fandom; bleach, fanfiction

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