More ESCo

May 20, 2008 17:38

Well, I am finally crawling out from under all this paper. I ended up with 7 proposals which was literally a case of paper, most of it double sided, to read. Interviews are next week. I am glad to be through the boring stuff.

I have been doing a fair bit of traveling recently. I was home for Mother's Day last week. I had no present, but figured that coming home to visit would be good.

This last week I went to Gretchen's wedding. It was a very nice wedding outside and it started sunny and clouded up. As it was nearing the end, it barely started to sprinkle but then stopped. It was kind of a HA! made you flinch type of time. Gretchen looked wonderful and the reception was very nice. We ended up heading out at about 11 as I did not want to get home too late and I was tired.

Saturday I came back to Savoy to go to a house warming party. It was a good time. It was nice to see everyone. I would have liked to stay over night, but I was not prepared for that and had to come into work the next day.

Sunday was fairly uneventful and I figured that it was not worth it for me to drive just to put gas in my car so I decided to wait. I ended up kicking myself for that because gas went from $4.40 on Sunday to $4.53 on Monday. I am glad I get over 45 mpg. The only plus is that I did not have to pay the $4.75 in Chicago.

Up coming travel plans for the next month: Travel to Bloomington and see Cat X2 and go home for my grandma's 80th birthday party.
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