yes, I'm posting again

Oct 31, 2011 20:03

I just wanted to pick your brains for a moment, and this is still somewhat Halloween related. A question:

What is your favorite scary book?

I haven't read too much horror, but I think my favorite is Coraline by Neil Gaiman. But The Shining and Dracula scared me the most when I read them for the first time. I'm asking this because I've decided ( Read more... )

brainz, i don't even have a tag for this, writing woes, i love my flist, help!, ask the flist, bookish things, omg zombies

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Comments 11

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pann_cake November 1 2011, 23:35:19 UTC
I think I'll be reading a lot of Stephan King in the coming months. ;D Thanks for the recs!


janie_tangerine November 1 2011, 09:12:03 UTC
Mmh talking about pure horror stuff, 90% of the stories on Stephen King's Night Shift. That book scared me to freaking -pieces- and I'm not someone who gets scared easily. And re apocalypses... I'd try The Stand. I never found it... particularly scary per se, but it's excellent and probably my second-favorite King book that isn't a Dark Tower one. And it does deal thoroughly with post-apocalypse scenarios. (Though that stated, regarding King, the scariest freaking thing he's ever written is Apt Pupil on Different Seasons imo. That short story has nothing to do with supernatural things but it made my blood run cold. And I had to read it in pieces.) I also got disturbed enough while reading a couple of Lovercraft stories but they were translated and in an anthology so I should try to fish them out.


pann_cake November 1 2011, 23:36:44 UTC
I honestly haven't read too much King, so I think this is a good opportunity to get into some of his stuff! The Shining is the only novel of his I've read, and I've read a few short stories and his nonfiction books (which I LOVE).

I'm going to be scaring myself silly all winter, I can feel it. XDD


ciaimpala November 1 2011, 11:39:20 UTC
The Shining was really really scary. I'll try to think of some others too.


pann_cake November 1 2011, 23:37:56 UTC
I read The Shining in college, in winter, and I couldn't sleep the whole time I was reading it! It was great! I remember Dracula really scared me when I read it in high school, the scene when Jonathan is being chased by wolves outside the castle? Gave me chills.


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pann_cake November 1 2011, 23:34:37 UTC
Okay, I'll look into it! I've heard people mention it before in regards to The Hunger Games, which if you haven't read yet READ IT RIGHT THE EFF NOW. :DD

Oh I remember the whole Cassandra Clare thing! But I think you're right, that she was blatantly plagiarizing someone else, so when she got published that was the bigger issue. But yes, it's good that we're just regular jackoffs and it's not as likely that someone saved any of my stuff. And if it came to it, I'm sure I can prove that I was the one who wrote it, that it's my account and I have all the stories saved on my hard drive and flash drives and whatnot.

But this is all really just getting ahead of myself, because what are the odds that I'd actually get published anyway??? XDDDD But yeah, if you could ask your friend for her two cents that would be great. I'm just curious. <3


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pann_cake November 3 2011, 22:18:39 UTC

Thanks for asking your friend! I was thinking the same thing, too. It could get really messy, and who has money for a lawyer?? XDD And besides, I usually write fanfic from a particular chcracter's POV, and I would need to change it so drastically so that it doesn't even slightly resemble a pre-existing character, that I'd be writing it all again anyway. But you're right, I can use them more as plot outlines and start fresh. I will probably feel more accomplished that way, anyway. :P


ozmissage November 2 2011, 03:55:30 UTC
Your book idea sounds fantastic! :D

I pretty much never read straight-up horror, but I did love Coraline though. The only other book that comes to mind is The Ruins which scarred me for life. That book was super traumatic for me.


pann_cake November 2 2011, 20:14:05 UTC
Hehe, thanks! I'm sure I'll be whining on here as I write it, lol. :P I had originally planned to write just one long zombie book, but I was having trouble making it long enough. Then I had the brainwave of short stories, which I love to write and read, so why not?? :DD

Dude, Coraline is one of my favorite books ever! I really liked the movie, but it wasn't quite as horrifying as the book. Something about Gaiman's prose gets stuck in my head and haunts me.

Ack, I saw the movie The Ruins and it was gross. *shiver*


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