yes, I'm posting again

Oct 31, 2011 20:03

I just wanted to pick your brains for a moment, and this is still somewhat Halloween related. A question:

What is your favorite scary book?

I haven't read too much horror, but I think my favorite is Coraline by Neil Gaiman. But The Shining and Dracula scared me the most when I read them for the first time. I'm asking this because I've decided to start a writing project when I graduate. A non-fanfic writing project. OMG NO WAY. I haven't done any original writing since college, so I'm kind of nervous. *bites nails*

The idea is to write a collection of loosely related short stories, all set during a zombie apocalypse. Some of the stories will intertwine, some won't. I want to explore all kinds of relationships with these stories--there will be families, friends, enemies, co-workers, couples (m/m, f/f, and m/f). I'm trying not to make it this enormous thing, but in my planning it kind of seems like it will be. But I figure it's better to write too much and then edit it down, then not write enough.

This is something I hope to someday maybe possibly send to an editor and publishing house and all that jazz, which is something I've always wanted to do. But I'M SCARED OKAY. XDD

But I am jumping the gun a bit, because I need to graduate first before I have time to write. In the meantime, I want to do horror novel research, because I don't know what's out there. So if you have any recommendations (either good or bad), I'd really appreciate it. My nook is about to explode with horror! :DD

And, while I have you on the subject, I have another odd question (mostly for the fic writers out there). I came up with this idea because I was looking through my ficjournal and seeing all the zombie/apocalypse AU fics I've written and I thought "I should compile these all together, that would be cool," then I ran with the idea. So my question is: would it be okay to use some of these fics as a basis for some original stories? Obviously I would have to change a lot, because Richard Alpert needs to not be Richard Alpert, and etc. But the storylines and the writing itself are all mine. Would it be okay to use chunks of the prose from these fanfics in original writing to be submitted somewhere? I'm kind of nervous about it, and I suppose I could just start from stratch. If I do use any old fanfic work, I will be sure to f-lock or private-lock all those entries before submitting anything, in case I can't prove that I wrote it or something.

Ahhhh, writing is hard! *headdesk* Has anyone done anything like this? I guess I just feel like it's my work, and I should be able to use it however I want. The fact that it was originally fanfic is what makes it a little sticky. But I always put disclaimers on every fanfic I write, and if I were to use any of those stories I would most certainly not use any Lost or SPN (or whatever) characters or settings or ideas.

I don't know. I need a lawyer. XDD

Maybe I should just focus on reading and writing for now. But first on finishing my semester. PRIORITIES. ZOMBIES COME LAST. :(((

Bedtime now. Please feel free to give me your two cents or to tell me I'm crazy.

brainz, i don't even have a tag for this, writing woes, i love my flist, help!, ask the flist, bookish things, omg zombies

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