I miss you guys!

Oct 23, 2011 17:49

So, this being the week of my favoritest of holidays, Halloween, I decided to give you all a little gift:

Comment to this post with a fandom, pairing or character(s), and a Halloween-themed prompt, and I will write something just for you! Prompts can be something specific to Halloween, like trick-or-treating or dressing up in costumes, or just something spooky. It is up to you! Fills will be at least 100 words long.

I cannot promise that they will all be up before Halloween, because I will be busy this week doing the following things: starting my new student teaching placement, working on my Halloween costume, carving pumpkins, going on a haunted hayride, and getting ready for my sister's Halloween party. But I will reply as soon as I can, and hopefully it will keep you in the Halloween spirit!

Most of you know my fandoms by now, but I have a few new friends from 5 Acts *waves* so here's a list:

Lost, Supernatural, Being Human (both US and UK), Sherlock, Parks & Rec, Harry Potter, Heroes, True Blood. Basically, if I have an icon of it, I can fic it. :P

I'm open to most pairings (if I can't do something I will kindly ask you to choose another prompt, but I doubt that will happen), as always slash, femmeslash, and gen fic are all welcome. ;D

Let the Halloween festivities commence! :DD

halloween, i love my flist, ficcing

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