How's it hanging?. Well, beyond my lack of cliche as a means of conversation - is that how you manage to be 'socially advantageous'? - I've been working because, you know, that's what some of us do around here.
And it's good to know that even after six years of being a Ravenclaw, you only have a slightly better understanding of academic discipline - it lets me realise I can catch up. (By the way, what is the precise definition of 'socially advantageous'? Does that mean your friends are your friends in the hope of their advantage? This of course being from someone whose House generally couldn't manage a piss-up in a brewery without looking in the 'How To' guide first.)
Thank you for your concerns about my weight; it's nice to know I have someone so concerned about my body image, but I assure you, my head is quite proportionate with my body - you must just be thinking about my incredibly powerful brain.
I guess I'll see you on the weekend, then. If you're not too busy with your friends, that is; and I'm sure those jokes are a hit with the ladies when you tell them in Old Norse and impress them with your elite knowledge.
When was the last time you dated anyone, actually?
-Ernest Macmillan,
All round font of masculinity.