
Day o sleddin'

Jan 29, 2011 22:08

I am so sore right now! Beth came over in the morning with the snowshoes and we pulled the boys up and down the small hill in their baby sleds. Here are some pics!

There was so much snow, and it was so fluffy, we had to break a path before the baby sleds would even go. It was hard work, so after about half an hour, we decided to push the strollers around the neighborhood instead. I think Jimmy liked the sled more, because he could reach out and grab the snow and try to eat it. So cute. Beth came in for tea after the walk and we let the boys play a little bit. A good time! Oh, and Beth let me borrow the snowshoes!

After lunch, when Jimmy was down for his nap, I went back and made some good sledding tracks on the big hill with the snowshoes. And then I went sledding! It was fun, but not as much fun as when Tom was there too. I was so tired when I came in I was shaking! Fortunately a shower made me feel a bit better. But I had a good time. I invited the neighborhood kids to come over tomorrow and enjoy my hard work!

After Jimmy woke up, another sitter came over for an interview. I really liked her. She's infant and toddler certified and used to work in a daycare. Now she's a school bus driver. I see some me-time in my future!

I even managed to cook dinner. Chicken with balsamic glazed onions, roast butternut squash, and mixed veg. It was hard with Jimmy so fussy. I think he was really hungry from all the fresh air. There's only one dish left to clean in the kitchen - I left it to soak, but all the same, I wish Tom was here! Home alone is a lot of work.

Today in the bath, Jimmy actually practiced with his stacking/nesting cups. It was like he just realized they all fit into each other. So cool to see his little mind work! Then he made a big splash, saw my reaction, and proceeded to splash me until I moved away. He thought it was hilarious. Sigh.. My little mischief maker!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

sledding, snow, via ljapp

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