Character(s): Riku, Hope, Terra and Xion Content: Vanitas's nightmare manifested as Iron Imprisoner III, causing chaos and destruction. Setting: Palazzo Townhomes Time: Middle of the night! Warnings: This is a VERY powerful Unversed, and there will be destruction of the area. This log is closed to keep it moving.
Character(s): Ansem and Terra Content: A chance meeting between two people who should probably never meet Setting: The streets of the city Time: Mid-afternoon Warnings: ...Ansem
Character(s): Ventus, Aqua, and Terra. Content: The three friends finally reunite. Setting: Near the apartment where Terra and Aqua were staying. Time: Afternoon. Warnings: Cavities and tears are pretty much guaranteed.
Character(s): Lightning and Terra Content: not!date a spar between friends Setting: Outside their apartment? idk, somewhere with space Time: Week 33 Warnings: cute? idk, they're like bricks
Character(s): Riku, Terra Content: Riku and Terra meet again in familiar surroundings Setting: Destiny Islands Beach Time: Dusk. Week 31. Warnings: Concern, angst, introspection, and some OMG tossed in.
Character(s): Aqua and Terra Content: Two of the BBS trio meet up. Setting: Apartments Time: Yes. Backdated by... awhile. Warnings: BBS spoilers is about it. XD
Character(s): Zexion and Terra Content: A new scent has arisen. The schemer seeks to find out to whom it belongs. Setting: The day after this Time: One of the various stores around the city Warnings: Potential manipulation
Character(s): Hope, Terra, and then Lightning Content: Hope enters the city Setting: Muspelheim gate Time: Dusk Warnings: Emo Hope has a bit of a breakdown. ALEXANDER SHOWS UP