Not an Answer to the Earth [Active/Closed]

May 06, 2011 02:04

Character(s): Riku, Terra
Content: Riku and Terra meet again in familiar surroundings
Setting: Destiny Islands Beach
Time: Dusk. Week 31.
Warnings: Concern, angst, introspection, and some OMG tossed in.

Time to think. That's what Riku told Sora he'd needed. But whether that was what he really needed, not even Riku knew for sure. He knew the fight was the fault of the fog. He knew that he hadn't fully been wrong, and that he had seen Sora do things, though it had not been the Sora he knew. He also knew Sora felt no need to forgive him, feeling there was nothing his friend had done to forgive. Logically, everything was fine.

But it still felt like it was no excuse for having fought his friend yet again. And Riku knew he had still let his suspicions get the best of him again, even before the fog had rolled in. That much was still true, even if his doubts were well-founded. If it weren't for talking to Namine... Well, it was hard to know what would have happened until someone administered an antidote. He'd been lucky enough to break through the virus before that.

Thinking about what could have happened really didn't matter, though. ...This wasn't time to think.

It was time to be alone. And to let his mind and heart reconcile.

So Riku stood on the fake beach, halfway between the imitation of the tiny island where they all relaxed and the mock dock that always represented going home to family. Not even the sun he stared out to was real. But it still gleamed upon the ocean with the same brilliance, causing him to long for days lost that he knew better than to try to regain.

destiny islands, riku, week 31, terra

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