Character(s): Fran, anyone else
Content: A viera in the snow
Setting: Near the former Clan Centurio headquarters (I8)
Time: Midmorning
Warnings: None
Fran hadn't been expecting to see snow in the city. Proper weather here seemed to be rare and far-between, at that. That and surely no one would have expected to find the domes capable of weather. Yet here she was, with snow around her feet and delicate imprints marking out the path she'd taken to get here.
(If she was still a wood-dweller, she might have cared, but there was nothing to hunt here and nothing she couldn't defend herself from.)
For now, she would simply enjoy the snow as it fell, leaving a sort of pristine freshness to the world, a suggestion that perhaps all that had happened before would undo itself. Of course, she knew such a think was improbable at best, but for a moment she would let herself remember. Perhaps someday the building across from here would even see some use again. Perhaps. She wouldn't dwell on the thought though. And if the passers-by stopped to stare at a bunny-woman standing nearly naked (or so it might seem) in the snow, that much she was at least used to.