Character(s): Mewtwo, Roxas, any other applicable people
Content: A Nobody and a Pokémon find a café
Setting: Café Ersesat [N3]
Time: Late Morning
Warnings: Salty and sweet!
They walked until the gate no longer towered behind them, and only the domes arced overhead. There were more people than so late at night when they had met the man that Roxas had called 'Saïx.'
Mewtwo glanced around, noting the abundant black boxes that looked quite similar to the one the human had offered him when he'd first arrived. But he said nothing of it, his silence of mouth and mind more prominent than ever.
That was, until the two of them came upon a busy café and Mewtwo slowly came to a halt, glancing in the gold-lettered window at the several people sitting at booths and tables.
I've seen such places before, he mused to no one in particular, though his thoughts were only directed at Roxas. Where humans eat.
One or two more were sitting outside, talking and licking blue ice cubes on sticks. Mewtwo, of course, understood humans eating; he was a Pokémon... he had to eat, as well. But the blue ice was something new, and rather silly-looking.