A puzzling quest [Completed]

Apr 16, 2007 19:52

Character(s): Near, Betelgeuse, Kazama Souji and anyone else who feels like helping Near with his brave quest or just drop by.
Content: Near searches for a toy shop so he can find himself some puzzles.
Setting: Muspelheim area.
Time: Midday
Warnings: None.

Near hadn’t been in this ‘Paixao’ place for very long but he knew enough already. His information hunt on the journals had cleared up his confusion and made him stumble upon some shocking discoveries. Main ones being that L, Mello and Matt were here. Alive. Or as alive as supposed-to-be-dead people could be. Not that he would ever say it out loud, but he was happy. Happy to have some familiar faces around. He wouldn’t have known what to do otherwise. It was strange, yes...very much so. Awkward too but things seemed to have worked out.

The pieces all fit nicely except for one. One piece that didn’t fit in his puzzle and never had fit. Mello. Even now he still couldn’t understand nor predict the blonde boy’s actions. Mello had offered him help. Him, out of all people. He knew Mello would never be his ‘Watari’, he had said so himself. But at least he had helped Near with a start. It was more than he ever could have expected from Mello. It puzzled him. Why? For what benefit? He saw none in it for Mello. He hardly thought he even deserved help from him after all what happened. It showed how unpredictable the other was, as always. It was good to see some things hadn’t changed. Even after death.

He would have to learn how to take care of himself as there was no 'Watari' to look after him here. Starting now. With a sigh he moved away from the fake tree he had been sitting under. He needed something to distract himself with, to keep him busy until the meeting. He needed puzzles, nice blank puzzles or a toy or two. So far he hadn’t been able to locate anything like a toy shop on the map. Peculiar enough a weapon shop seemed to sell plushies...Which really made him wonder where he could find puzzles. Despite wanting nothing more than hole himself up in the room Mello had given him, he moved on into the city. He really wanted those puzzles too and no one was going to look for him.
This was going to be a long day...and he knew his socks would not last long on the concrete.

muspelheim, betelgeuse, kazama souji, completed

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