[a short closeup of an innocuous and particularly bountiful sprig of mistletoe, which happens to be growing on the windowsill of the Latimir apartment]
As I am sure many are aware by now, it is ill-advised to attempt to consume, remove, damage, or disobey the new flora in our midst. I suppose the only question is where it has not penetrated at this point.
venusflowertrap. (60%)
[Your professional opinion?]
proudapprentice. (99%)
[May I speak with you? In person, if possible. I believe you are in Latimir?]
Locked: Scientists. (99%)
[Since you seem so intent on proving your Christmas spirit: I believe our Moogle would make quite a useful little addition to the ranks of the city. Consider this a formal request, as well as an interest in opening a dialogue.]
[OOC: He'll be gravitating about Latimir during the day, and venturing out into the city around dusk to return before true nightfall. While he's keeping a sharp eye out and his nose will tell him if anyone's coming, 100% vigilance & according-to-plan isn't always possible -- commentlogs welcome!]