Self-deprecation depreciation.

Dec 18, 2009 22:36

Just wanted to say thank you to the people who responded to my last post. I realize that I need to value myself more and that is one of the things I am going to be working on with my new therapist. Last month I started the process to begin therapy again - I have waited far too long. This time my therapist is male and I was not sure ... hell, I am still not sure how to deal with that. Considering that it is men who have caused most of the grief in my life... but then again women haven't exactly been peachy to me either. I am an equal-opportunity victim! LMFAO. But seriously, it is going to be a new dynamic and he listens remarkably well and I think this is going to be really good for me.

Umm...lessee.... college is over and done for the quarter. I got a D, a B and an A. Yeah. A D. It is a long story, suffice it to say, NEVER take a college level science class online unless you are damn certain what you are doing. But the good news is that my GPA was still over 2.0 so I am no longer on academic probation, which takes a whole lot of pressure off of me.

World of Warcraft. It has sucked me in. It has been my escape lately. I mean, I know that I play it way too much, and I need to ... has anyone else gone through this, where they have to re-train themselves to READ?! There are so many soundbites, so many synopses and snippets of information given to us constantly, that to sit down and read a book cover to cover ... is something that I have been struggling to do lately. I need to step away from the glowing rectangle and reconnect with something that does not plug into the wall.

Husband is ... brilliant, as always. Supportive and kind, even when we have been having problems. A few months back things were a little rocky but it was nothing too major and we are back to being disgustingly syrupy in love with each other. Gah I could just eat this man like a cheeseburger.

Food issues, anyone?

wow, hubsand, school, food, update

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