TM: Dangerous Living

Apr 06, 2006 11:28


Ciaran awoke with a start.

He was being moved from his nice, warm pocket, the one next to Obi-Wan's heart. Why the hell was he being moved? And no, this wasn't the "Hey Ciaran, let's snuggle for a bit" moving, either. He was being displaced!

Why, why, why???

What was this? A box? He was being put into a box? Oh no. No, no, no. Boxes meant things like "storage" and "not needed". Obi-Wan would never put him is storage and, dammit, the Jedi definitely needed him!

He should complain. Protest, even. He something. But what? How does one vocalize this injustice?

And now what's happening? The box is being opened and someone's taking him out. Ohhh, that's not Obi-Wan's hand. No, it's someone else's!

Oh HELL no. He didn't. Tell me he didn't.

"Happy Birthday, Padawan."

"Thank you, Master...but wait, isn't this...?"

"Yes, Anakin, it is. I want you to have it. Qui-Gon would have done the same, I think."

"Then I'll cherish it always, Master."

Oh, he did! I'm doomed...I shoulda said something when I had the chance...


What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

*headdesk* The most dangerous thing I've ever done was move in with Anakin Skywalker.

x-posted to theatrical_muse

ciaran, tm, anakin, obi-wan

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