AL: Up, Down, Round and Round (Mar-06)

Mar 03, 2006 13:31

Title: Up, Down, Round and Round
Prompt: Fly
Character: Ciaran Rock
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 213
Rating: PG
Warnings None
Disclaimer Lucas Owns. Sue me not.
Summary: Ciaran remembers the first time he flew with Anakin. ...All too well.
Author's Notes: I'm sorry. I associate flying with pilots and the closest thing to a pilot in Ciaran's life is Skywalker.

Also, folks not familiar qwith the Jedi Quest/Apprentice series may not fully understand this. But that's okay. We love you anyway and you will still enjoy this.

x-posted to licenseartistic

He had been nestled all snug in Anakin's pocket, sleeping peacefully. The young Jedi had kept him close ever since ownership of Ciaran had passed between Master and Apprentice over a year ago. It wasn't as traumatic as the rock thought it would be, being given to an unknown. But if Obi-Wan carried the faith that Anakin would keep Ciaran safe, loved and cherished, Ciaran supposed it was okay.

It was fun to revisit all the familiar movements of a Padawan going through training; they were memories that Ciaran had held onto with relish. Obi-Wan was such a good Padawan that-...oh dear. What was this? It had started out feeling like the beginning stages of flight-training but this? was not flight-training.

This was nauseating.

Ciaran could barely make out the muffled voice of whoever was on Anakin's comm-channel, and it sounded slightly panicked: " doing? ...supposed...lesson!"

Oh dear. Anakin has been such a good boy this past year. What happened to him??? Ciaran thought miserably, as he pondered how grateful he was that he was only a rock and not a human. If he had been human, he figured he'd be on the verge of throwing up right now.

Whatever Skywalker was doing, it wasn't flying.

march 2006, license artistic

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