AL: April + May '06

May 02, 2006 13:02

Title: Duel of The Fates

“Something of vengence I had tasted for the first time; as aromatic wine it seemed, on swallowing, warm and racy: its after-flavor, metallic and corroding, gave me a sensation as if I had been poisoned.”
- Charlotte Bronte

Character: Ciaran Rock
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 163
Rating: PG
Warnings None
Disclaimer Lucas Owns. Sue me not.
Summary: Ciaran's take on the final moments of the DotF.
Author's Notes: Well. After the Rock and I consulted each other, we changed our stance in the subject. And yes, the preceeding sentence makes no sense to anyone but myself. Oh well.


Destruction comes in many forms; it's deadliest when it rides the silent wings of innocence. The pulsing radiation of the need to avenge is strong and unavoidable. The instantaneous shift from anxiousness to bewilderment to rage leaves one reeling in the aftermath, not entirely sure of what has happened, but knowing that the changes wrought by it are mixed blessings that ripple through the Force.

The battle-clash is thunderous in the dull roar of peaked emotions; emotions that crash to the earth after soaring through the heavens, as the power they carry prove too unwieldy for such pure of spirit. The taste of defeat is so bitter, that the truth of the matter brings shame and remorse and the knowledge that recklessness will never turn vengeance into true justice.

Ciaran is proud of his Obi-Wan, as the young man sets the vengeful heart to rest and brings the peace of honesty and impartiality to lay judgment upon the black heart of the Sith.

Title: With A Vengence.

Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.
--Michel de Montaigne

Character: Ciaran Rock
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 198
Rating: PG
Warnings None.
Disclaimer Lucas Owns. Sue me not.
Summary: Vengence is like second-hand smoke. It corrodes and kills just as silently as if it were you doing the avenging.
Author's Notes: Yeah, yeah. We're on a vengence kick. Sue us. And this may or may not be considered a companion piece of sorts to Anakin's April prompt.


It's sad when one believes they have left something behind for good only to find out that they've only moved on from bad to worse. When such a delicate aura of passive companionship is subjected to such volatile thoughts and ideas, it rips through the fabric of existence and pierces the quiet center. The pure becomes impure and the incorruptible becomes corrupt; such a devastating blow renders the form to be unrecognizable to those that once knew it. So much so, that those from the past cease to think about it forever, as it no longer abides within the realm of normality.

If you are the essence in question, you hold the memory of your corruption close to your heart. It is hard to eradicate, because the more you try and let go, the more it holds you in an iron grip. And if you are held at the mercies of the one who has instigated this change in you, if you have nothing you can do but silently suffer, then you are thrice damned and just as dead to life as those that were slaughtered in a make-shift sacrifice to the demon of vice and failed virtue.

x-posted to licenseartistic

april 2006, license artistic, may 2006

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